These data are for persons 18 years of age and older. What is the reason why the Eighth Amendment has done little to protect inmates from staff brutality? A death sentence that the legislature has required to be imposed upon people convicted of certain offenses is called a? The usual strategy is to intentionally foul the other team's worst free-throw shooter. The HIV Care Cascade Before, During, and After Incarceration: A Systematic Review and Data Synthesis. The first ten amendments to the United States Constitution are known as the ? The first juvenile court established in 1899 in? 2015;105:e5-16. 120 seconds. The typical offender has been convicted of? Race, ethnicity and sex are all aspects of? [20], The landmark Supreme Court Estelle v. Gamble decision in 1976, which established that all incarcerated individuals have the right to adequate healthcare, provides the constitutional mandate for HIV care and access to treatment within the correctional setting. Which of the following states paid its correctional officers the highest median annual wage in 2014? Medical evaluation including staging of HIV and diagnosis of comorbidities and opportunistic infections. Flashcards - Corrections - FreezingBlue April 2020. Try it now. What case launched the prisoners' rights movement? In one instance, a single case of tuberculosis rapidly spread among the inmates living with HIV in one facility and ultimately 31 individuals developed tuberculosis. Adult offenders are arrested; juvenile offenders are? The process of making the offender a productive member of the community again is called? One study on recidivism demonstrated that the inmates who adjusted most successfully to prison life ________ to life in the free community upon release. World Prison Brief, Institute for Criminal Policy Research. The buyer has always had more power than the seller. Community corrections refers to adults on probation or parole. C. Some officers become overly authoritarian and confrontational. The _______ likes to give orders and seems to enjoy the feeling of power that comes from ordering inmates around. Restorative justice is especially concerned with repairing the harm to the offender. A jail where inmates are housed in small groups or pods, staffed 24 hours a day by specially trained officers who interact with the inmates is called a Second-Generation Jail. [9,22,23] A large meta-analysis estimated the incidence of transmission of viral infections within prisons and found rates of 0.08 per 100 person-years with HIV. emdjay23. The torture of Iraqi prisoners occurred under President__________. Time taken off an inmate's sentence for participating in certain activities such as going to school, learning a trade and working inprison is called _____________. What Latin term is defined as a court order requiring that a confined person be brought to court so that his or her claims can be heard? Further, efforts to cohort HIV-seropositive inmates also have in some cases led to adverse health outcomes, due to close proximity of multiple persons with immune suppression. [38] The CDC has released a comprehensive document to guide the implementation of opt-out HIV testing in the correctional setting. They have considerable discretion in discharging their duties within the constraints of rules, regulations, and policies., They represent a minor percentage of staff members in prisons., They have clear and specific guidelines on how to exercise their discretion., or They exist in isolation from the prison bureaucracy. Source: Carson EA. Correctional officers have power by virtue of their positions within the organization. Officers who conduct pre-sentence investigations utilize discretion in deciding what to include in a report and, most importantly, what sentence to recommend. To this end, we subscribe to the following principles. A penal institution to which especially young or first-time offenders are committed for training and reformation is called? having to admit more inmates than there is available space. Prisons have long had the right to provide only the minimal conditions necessary for human survival. Treatment by experts in HIV medicine is strongly correlated with better medical outcomes, so one solution to the knowledge gap has been to introduce HIV subspecialty care to the prison setting through telemedicine. Factors that, although not justifying or excusing action, may reduce the culpability of the offender are called? They represent a minor percentage of staff members in prisons. the right to vote, the right to hold public office, the right to serve on a grand or petit jury, or the right to get married. b. that an officer had to run to a squad car for a chain cutter. Punishment options for initial sentences more restrictive than traditional probation but less restrictive than jail or prisons are called? At year-end 2014, 1 in _____ adults in the United States was under community supervision. CRJ 1113 Revel Ch. 14 Flashcards | Quizlet Within a correctional facility, the health and safety considerations for an inmate may take priority over the right to confidentiality, but some have interpreted this to mean that all officers should know the HIV status of individuals who are incarcerated. Added 11/4/2021 7:21:03 PM. This problem has been solved! In the United States, the average ratio of correctional officers to inmates across all states in 2012 was ________. The next day, while discussing the incident, one of the arresting officers mentioned that the prisoner had said something about "have to kill myself" while being Which of the following statements is true? QUESTION 68 The process of civilian gang members with no prior criminal history being recruited to apply to become correctional officers is called: a. testing recruiting O c downing a duck O d. empathy QUESTION 62 Why do some scholars say that the criminal justice system is designed to fail? [74] Moreover, some investigators have also demonstrated that incarceration disrupts primary intimate relationships, suggesting that use of prison-based programs to help prisoners and their partners maintain their relationship during incarceration may reduce the number of sexual contacts after release.[75]. Intermediate Sanctions are sometimes referred to as? Which of the following statements is true about correctional officers? [9] The transmission of HBV within prisons could be reduced by immunizing all HBV-non-immune inmates with hepatitis B vaccine. Entering the ________ of a prison means finding in the diverse environment of the institution a niche that will accommodate an inmate's unique combination of needs. A message will be sent to your email address with instructions. Referral for mental health support as indicated. Pseudofamilies exist in men's prisons in the same manner they exists in women's prisons. A slower tempo can be experienced by a person who mentally stretches the duration of time. Mandatory release is similar to ________ in that persons let out under either arrangement ordinarily receive a period of community supervision. This is called__________. In 2006 the State of __________ had the highest incidence of AIDS related deaths in its prison population? Branding has been in use as a punishment since at least Roman times. The punishment device that held the prisoner in a sitting position, with feet and hands locked in a frame, was called the stocks. Juveniles can never be held in adult jails. [72,73] Therefore, in this setting, it is important to utilize a range of HIV prevention strategies that include keeping released prisoners engaged in medical care, assisting them in taking antiretroviral therapy consistently achieving suppressed HIV RNA levels, identifying and treating sexually transmitted infections (since sexually transmitted infections can increase the risk of HIV transmission to partners), and facilitating the use of preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for community serodifferent partners. Inmates skilled in legal matters are known as ________. C J 101 part ONE Flashcards | BJS collects data on the administration and operation of both types of facilities. Easy Quiz 2. Which of the following statements is true about a high percentage of lawsuits filed by inmates? They are meant to help you stay on track throughout each lesson and check your understanding of key concepts. b) They represent a minor percentage of staff members in a prison. A ________ usually interacts little with other officers and does the minimum necessary to get through the workday. From 1775 through 1856, English offenders were sent to _________ as punishment for crimes. Which of the following is NOT one of those ways? [22], Many have called for a comprehensive strategy to help stop HIV transmission within the correctional system, through interventions such as voluntary counseling and testing, disease prevention education, and treatment for substance use disorders. A. a type of sentence in which the offender must submit to intensive supervision in lieu of imprisonment, A. an opportunity to confront and cross-examine people who testify against them. [31,34,35,36,37] One HIV testing project that included more than 33,000 inmates in four states (Florida, New York, Wisconsin, and Louisiana) identified 269 (0.8%) previously undiagnosed HIV infections, and 40% of them were among inmates whose only reported risk was heterosexual contact; this study underscores why HIV testing based only on reported risk factors will fail to identify a significant proportion of incarcerated persons with HIV. A device consisting of nine knotted cords fastened to a wooden handle used for whipping a convicted subject was a Cat-o'-nine tails. officer's supervisor. An inmate who helps other inmates with various legal problems. "The taking on of the ways, mores, customs and general culture of the penitentiary" is known as? Until the middle of the twentieth century, courts followed a(n) ________ philosophy toward prison matters. In contrast, when analyzing by the prevalence rate of personswith HIV in state or federal prison, the HIV prevalence rate in women (range, 1.3-1.8%) was similar to the HIV prevalence rate in men (range, 1.3-1.4%) (Figure 11). An adult offender receives a verdict; a juvenile offender receives a? The numbers for each year represent a sample taken at one point in time. Psychology - What is Psychology? Overcrowding, one of the most pressing problems, has created the dilemma of? Alternatively, send information to the community provider after obtaining written consent for release ofinformation from the inmate. A person who is conditionally released from prison to community supervision is referred to as a ____________. Adult offenders are known as criminals, juvenile offenders are known as? You seem to have a popup blocker enabled. Paramedics from the adjoining firehouse were called and unsuccessfully tried to resuscitate the prisoner. Michel Foucalt, the French historian and philosopher, says that the purpose of the physical punishment was? After release drop offs occur at every step of the HIV care cascade; linkage to HIV care and programs for reentry into HIV care are very important. [47] Jails and temporary detention settings pose the most challenges in terms of accessing antiretroviral therapy. Treating HIV and AIDS in prison is difficult for all but one of the following reasons? . Among different racial/ethnic groups, blacks have the highest incarceration rates. [6] From 2007 through 2018, Black individualsconsistently had higher prison incarceration rates were consistently higher among persons who are Black than those who are White(Figure 7). The Wickersham Commission was appointed by President__________________. A search of a prisoner's cell is called a? This is because these offenders reside in the community rather than in jail or prison. A person appointed by the juvenile court to serve as a special guardian for the youth being processed through thejuvenile justice system is called a? The transition from a correctional facility to the community is a critical event for inmates with HIV. Each probation officer is given the following job description: Meeting and interviewing offenders and their relatives to evaluate and monitor their progress Recommending treatments, rehabilitation . Everyone is entitled to equal medical treatment without regard to status. Since individuals often engage in activities that may increase risk for HIV acquisition following release from the correctional setting, secondary prevention is a critical component of transitional care planning. [7] Since the state prison population is much larger than the federal prison population, it is not surprising the number of state prisoners with HIV far outnumbers the number in federal prison (Figure 9). Funding to various correctional agencies has been cut since 9/11 and has been allocated to? PDF Home Probation and Parole Officers and Discretionary Decision-Making The sources of prisoners' rights are all except which of the following? The fundamental difference between jail and prison is the nature of their. A writ issued by an appellate court to obtain from a lower court the record of its proceeding in a particular case is called a? [2], In 2018, the United States had the highest prison population rate (prisoners per 100,000 population) in the world and the total prison population in the United States was higher than any other country(Figure 3). In the United States, the average ratio of correctional officers to inmates across all states in 2012 was _____. Majors, captains and correctional officers charged with maintaining order and security are called_____________. Assume the male role in a homosexual relationship. In addition to charging inmates housing and medical co-pay fees as a way to offset jail operations, some jurisdictions have added pay-to-stay jails. The rates of inmate suicide are far higher than the national averages, and even higher still for special populations (including juvenile and LGBTI inmates), even corrections officers have a much greater occupational suicide rate. A special court that is given responsibilty to handle cases involving drug-addicted offenders is called? A place where the same people work, eat, sleep and engage in recreation together day after day is called? What is defined as a constellation of values, norms, and roles that regulate the way inmates interact with one another and with prison staff? The other major goal of probation and parole . Incarcerated individuals who exhibit unique physical, mental, social and progammatic needs that distinguish them from other prisoners are called? In 2014, the mean annual wage for state correctional officers was ________. Criminologists Richard Hawkins and Geoffrey Alpert identified four general ways in which correctional officers respond to their jobs. According to Schmalleger, the ___________ adapts to prison by exploiting the minimal pleasures it offers. Officers enforce regulations through effective communication and the use of progressive sanctions, which involve punishments, such as loss of privileges. Inmates skilled in legal matters are known as ________. In the case of In re Gault, Gerald Gault was charged with? The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. There are many common personality types that have been identified in correctional officers. [41] Fear of interpersonal violence, stigma, and lack of safety and privacy were cited as key reasons for HIV non-disclosure. Tempo is the time that events last. Fewer than half of state prison systems have implemented routine HIV screening programs, despite the 2006 CDC recommendation for universal screening in correctional health care facilities. Because individuals with HIV in the correctional system often perceive that accessing HIV care may increase their risk of being subjected to violence due to stigma or homophobia, maintaining adequate privacy measures within the correctional system is of paramount importance. Show transcribed image text. Time taken off an inmate's sentence for participating in certain activities such as going to school, learning a trade and working inprison is called _____________. Unfortunately, this practice limits inmates with HIV from transferring to facilities that may have unique work or school programs, and may result in persons with HIV being imprisoned far from visitors, thereby limiting or preventing visitations. A pass must be signed by an officer to be valid. HIV and Corrections - Key Populations - National HIV Curriculum Can inflation occur after an increase in the quantity of goods and services? What items most often assumes the symbolic value of money in the sub-rosa economy of a prison? [27,28]Data on state prison HIV intake testing practice for 2015 showed that 15 states performed mandatory HIV testing (tested all prisoners regardless without the need for consent) and 17 states provided opt-out HIV testing (offered the HIV test and the test was performed unless the prisoner declined) (Figure 12). Source: Maruschak LM, Bronson J. HIV in Prisons, 2015Statistical Tables. CJE Unit 8 Flashcards | Quizlet To which of the following due process protections are they NOT entitled? Which of the following statements is true? The prison population is higher today in the United States than at any time in our history. The equal-protection clause under the ________ Amendment has led the Supreme Court to forbid racial discrimination and has led state courts to target gender discrimination. [2,7,8] The prevalence of HIV among inmates in state prisons varies significantly by geographic region, with New York, Louisiana, and Florida having the highest prevalence (3.0% or greater) (Figure 10). Prisoners who were sent to Australia, and then committed further felonies, were sent to __________. When Force is Required | Security Info Watch
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