do women shave their armsmini bronti the brontosaurus

My 11-year-old psyche was literally shattered, and that was the first time I recall being truly self-conscious about my body. Xper 4. Are girls supposed to shave their arms? Another interesting fact about this is that although Japanese women shave their face, arms, and legs, waxing bikini line isn't as common. Report Post. Although times certainly have changed, the stereotype is still there and people still ask me if French women shave. However, for Americans, there's a popular theory that shaving only became commonplace when razor companies advertised women with shaved legs back in the 1920s. We stan a shift in society's standard of female beauty! — Curious Guy. If you think that hair on the forearms is a turnoff to men(not insecure boys), then just do a simple web search for women with hairy arms and you will find that there dozens of websites dedicated to the love of arm hair. Why do they shave their eyebrows? Why Do Women Shave Their Armpits? Here are some rare photographs that depict Amish beauty and grace. 6y ♀. And so it began. Guru. Yes, shaving underarms and legs seems to be an optional hygiene practice for French women. 5 Reasons Why Men Should Shave Their Armpit That being said, I don't know many women who do shave their arms - even those who shave other areas with body hair. Sure enough, Pete Cook of Chicago has sent me a 1982 article from the Journal of American Culture by Christine Hope bearing the grand title "Caucasian Female Body Hair and American Culture.". Acceptance. 3 | 0. twilightfan123. If you are dating a lady and you prefer her to shave, just politely tell her that you like the feel of her skin without hair. "The fastidious woman today must have immaculate armpits if she is to be unembarrassed." -An early anti-armpit hair ad. Continue reading. Do girls have to shave their arms?, I wondered. A few more years down the line, you will even realize that Chennai does not have that amazing night life that most metros have. A survey from 2016 showed that 22% of women would love men with completely shaven legs and over 28% would appreciate trimming at the least. Shaving with a dull blade may result in ingrown hairs, razor burn, nicks and cuts, and skin irritation . This includes their legs, arms, trunk, chest, and even their back. Here's the bottom line. This is the idea behinds the arms shaving movement, encouraging most women around the world to shave their arms and legs. The hair doesn't essentially grow back thicker after shaving. And do French women shave their legs? More so, because they believe that people can see beyond arm hair. We stan a shift in society . Human rituals and behavior always fascinate me. Yet the link between femininity and hairlessness is so strong that even the . You aren't ever going to win points for refusing sound medical advice. Generally, a few reasons: the biggest is that men's shirts are constructed differently, with more room in the armpits. By the 1930s, hemlines were much longer than before, and so women continued to not shave their legs. Answer (1 of 13): They do not need to. A lot of French women do shave their legs and armpits, the same as a lot of English women don't. I'd say about 90% of the French women I've met don't. As the body-positivity movement has gathered momentum in recent years, arm hair — and the stigma attached to it — has been . Much like in the US, it is very popular to be smooth and hair-free. It's up to you, really. This will reduce the risk of skin becoming caught in the razor. When you use a razor to shave, it cuts the hair in a way that leaves each strand with . Some women are willing to pay extra to undergo laser hair removal procedure where the hair follicle is heated so it won't grow anymore. For starters, they are not usual. As a nurse, I've seen (washed) h-u-n-d-r-e-d-s of vagina's . It corresponds to the atsar told by Anas bin Malik's best friend, "We were given time to shorten the mustache, shave the nails, pull out the armpits and shave the pubic hair so as not to be left for more than forty nights". Even male swimmers are asked to shave their legs, arms, and armpits to have a better speed of them in competition. I've always been on the harier side when it comes to my arms because of my dad and awful genes. Via Yes, some girls and women shave their arms. Just like the previous statements, women shaving is correlated to a lot of social and cultural factors. I've always found Italian women to be less likely to shave their armpits than French women. The '20s fashion was risqué on the bottom half, too, but most women of the era didn't seem to feel the need to shave their legs, and when hemlines dropped again in the '30s, the point . Then, after I quit, I was going to grow it back, but I sleep on my arms a lot and just never got past the stubble - I'd get fed up and shave it all again. When you practice to shave more often, the effect of the new feel of the water is lessened to a degree, and nerve ending would adapt the circumstances very easily, adding your chances to win the game. It takes 1 1/2 -2 minutes every 2-3 days, no big deal. The women do not cover their faces but for all intents and purposes they are cloaked to the world. If your doctor recommends shaving for treatment, take their word for it. Answer #3. There is definitely no rulebook, for example I'll shave my legs and bikini area, but I don't shave my arms or my pits (I get a horrible rash anytime I try to shave my armpits, incredibly painful and it nothing helps). Most obviously, by not shaving under your arms you'll eliminate the dermatological problems that can result from doing so: ingrown hairs, razor burn, rashes, and irritation. She said that three kinds of women shaved, street walkers, movie stars and Americans. Should guys shave their armpits? 15. If you see shaggy legs on the red carpet all throughout Spring Fashion week, then it's probably not in honor of No Shave November. Some images show women that have broken free from the order and joined the modern world. When we went to France with her, we went swimming, and she didn't shave her legs either, though I must say it wasn't nearly as bad as her under arms. I don't remember any kind of awkward grow out phase, but my hair grows fast so it probably only took a week, week and a half tops. Spavined_Gelding October 30, 2005, 1:30pm #5. Beauty experts have reported a soaring demand for arm hair removal services, from waxing to de-fuzzing with lasers . Men Should Not Shave Their Arms. I'll make it short: French women do shave their armpits! Let's figure out why women do what they do now. This might come to you as a surprise, but I'd say 70 percent of all teens and young women don't shave at all (well, most of them DO remove the hair on their inner thighs of course - the so called bikini line - but there's still public hair left on the vagina itself). The number one reason to shave your armpits is that you like it. There's no health benefit to shaving your arms, though some people may choose to do so because they like the look or feel of smooth arms.. Women's shirts can also have more various straps / support / construction . North American women do. "By 1964," Herzig writes in Plucked: A History of Hair Removal, "surveys indicated that 98 percent of all American women aged fifteen to forty-four were routinely shaving their legs." It is your own personal choice whether to shave your arms. That . I also cant stand body hair, which is why a lot of females do it. The famous females aren't alone: A growing number of women are relying less on razors these days. You Just Like It. And many women from all walks of life going au naturale. To Women With Hairy Arms: Your Body, Your Choice. No, I don't. Life's better when you don't have to worry about shaving. There's a widely-known myth that shaving your arm hair will make it grow back thicker, darker, and faster. Then, after I quit, I was going to grow it back, but I sleep on my arms a lot and just never got past the stubble - I'd get fed up and shave it all again. Black woman. The bottom line is that no woman (or man) should feel weird about their arm hair. Moreover, many women find shaved armpits on men to be weird and unattractive. At that time, I noticed that most European women did not shave their underarms . Actually, I have seen more hairy armpits during my time in the US (I'm thinking about hippie girls here) than in France (where even hippie girls tend to shave their armpits). Serious question about European women and armpit hair. Answer #3. Women who forewent shaving their pubic hair in Germany were considered "alternative.". It's about learning to be and feel sexy at our most natural states, hairy arms and all. Continue reading. While they are allowed to shave their pubic region, armpit hair, thighs, and mustache (though this is debatable as well) they are not permitted to remove their eyebrow hair or shave their heads. Waxing is a hair removal method that isn't very common in Germany. 9. +1 y. I don't, and I don't think girls should unless it's excessive and down right gross. Athletes, such as swimmers, runners, and cyclists, shave their arms to shave milliseconds off their race times. 15 Famous Women Who Refuse To Shave Their Armpits. Advertisement. Why do women shave their arms? According to a recent study, nearly one in four women under the age of 25 have stopped shaving their underarms. But if you're a dude and not an elite athlete should you do the same? During the 1920s, knee-high skirts made legs more visible, and depilatory companies . By the twenties everyone was doing it and by the thirties we were waxing our hair away. . And I have not also thought about waxing or shaving the visible part of the body in relation to African women. Cleanliness was a close second for the men, with 39% of . I am not saying that this is bad but a lot of black women feel like this so they don't shave and black men don't really make a fuss about that. And of the men polled, a whopping 88 percent do some grooming of their own. Interestingly, 84 percent of the men surveyed had a preference when it came to a woman's pubic hair, but only 9 percent would end a date or sex because of a women's grooming habits -- so they must not care all that much. This is because women will have to shave there arms everyday, unless they want there arms to be prickly, and that takes up a lot of time. Naturally, I am not a hairy person and as such I have never had to wax or shave my legs or arms. Dear broncobaby, It is a myth that shaven hair comes back thicker or darker etc. A Women's Health Magazine survey shows that 56% of women say it's alright to shave your legs if it's for sports or you have good-looking legs. Answer (1 of 4): I started shaving my arms last year. Also, it's up to ourselves whether or not we want to shave. Step 3. Nobody is "supposed" to shave anything. The gist of the article is that U.S. women were browbeaten into shaving underarm hair by a sustained marketing assault that began in 1915. It looks ridiculous. Then try it with women who wax their arms and you will find very few websites dedicated to that. Bodybuilders shave their arms to look more aesthetically pleasing at competitions. In Europe, both white men and women continue to wax their legs and arms but over the weekend, a conversation with my friends . Dear Curious: Maybe women don't shave their forearms because they have to work an extra 60 days a year in order to earn the same pay as a man in the same job. It seems to have originated in the 1940s when GIs were stationed in France just after WW2. That being massaging, aerodynamics, road rash or cuts from cycling, tan lines (for aesthetics), some think of it as a fashion sense, others think its tradition or a rite of passage. I've always hated how hairy my arms are, although I am dirty blonde so it's not always that visible. Shaving became common place in the 20's with the release of . Legs. Why do women shave their legs? Removing body hair has been popular for millennia.H. Keep the skin taut. For most of the guys, there is no special need to shave arms. There is no reason at all, really, why women should be expected to shave their legs and under their arms and men not. If you don't care or don't want to look good, keep the hair. I think my preference would be non-shaved, since shaved armpits are traditionally a women's thing. depends, you dont NEED to shave anything, hair is natural not going to harm you!but in western culture, men shave face (if they or their partners want them to) women legs and arm pits, some time . I understand why unshaved under arms might be unsightly, but legs are no biggie to me. Many women prefer to go au natural down there, but this is slowly changing as more Japanese women watch American TV shows like Sex in the City. Not only are Muslim women allowed to shave, they are required to do so. Body hair on women has a long and complicated history. After all, the more hair you had to shave, the faster your . Shave against the grain of the hair. Hold the electric shaver at a right angle to your skin. twilightfan123. Men and women shave their arms for a variety of reasons. Now that women were on board with keeping their underarms smooth, Gillette wanted to up the ante and move that same urgency to the legs. They can shave if they want to, or stay natural if that's what they prefer. React. The Muslim code of personal hygiene, Sunan al-Fitra, requires all Muslims, whether they are male or female, to remove any body hair from the neck down, including hair around the genital region and anus. Italian women do not shave their hair because of their culture. Shaving arms and armpits (any part of the body, really) can result in unwanted side effects. In short-Elite level competitive swimmers usually shave their entire body before a big swimming competition. It's about cutting out the idea that body hair can't be beautiful. What's more, washing your arms first has the added benefit of making sure your skin is clean when you shave, further reducing chances of skin irritation. #women #shave. Xper 4. According to a 2006 study, 77 percent of French considered it important for a woman to be free of body hair; 83 percent of women shaved their legs, 73 percent shaved their armpits, and 54 percent . BTW . The video quotes Dr. Breanne Fahs, a professor of women and gender studies at Arizona State . Black people were not guaranteed the right to vote until 1965. Image Source. According to market research company NPD Group, the beauty industry category "shave body" has . Pro swimmers shave their legs—whether they're male or female. So all the girls would shave their arms, and then say it was a 3 day old shave, and let the customers feel our arms, and then they'd buy it. I wouldn't stop for nothing - I love how my arms are always unbelievably smooth. 7 Women and Femmes Pose for Beautiful Portraits of Their Arm Hair. So all the girls would shave their arms, and then say it was a 3 day old shave, and let the customers feel our arms, and then they'd buy it. The idea that French women do not shave their armpits is a myth. If you don't care or don't want to look good, keep the hair. Back in the '70s, I lived in Europe for about two years. But the truth is, shaving won't change the texture, color, or growth speed of your hair. Women's shirts are typically designed to be more fitted in those areas, which makes it more difficult to yank off from the back in the same way. But if anything's changed in recent years, it's that women have become empowered to make a choice. I could imagine somewhere back in time people discussing how weird it was for women to shave their armpits. 2. Steps to shaving your face properly To sum it up, if you wanna look hot, shave your forearms. Now I've done some research and there seem to be a few consistent reasons as to why cyclists shave their legs. Additionally, those tiny little nicks and cuts from shaving can lead to infections like MRSA, if they come into contact with it, the potential for which . That is why some black women don't shave because of thinking like this. For me - my reason is that my arm hair is really dark and it looked gross to me so I shave them. The shaving situation is increasingly complex for women. aWes0MeNeSs | 902 opinions shared on Fashion & Beauty topic. 3 | 0. Frankly what a Thai woman or any woman wants to do with her body hair is her business. Why do women shave their legs but not their arms?It's just a matter of personal taste and modern fashion. Women who didn't shave said they opt out because of the side effects, like itching and bumps, or because their partner prefers them not to. 4. The way the hair grows is genetic. LOL. The coarse hair that grows in after shaving is just stubble. You can shave your arms if you want to, but it's okay not to shave them. But if you do and you're considering shaving your arms, take this experience into consideration before you take . The Risk Factor. If she doesnt want to shave, then either live with it or move on if you find it so distasteful. It turned out that the shaved-legs-sensation had waxed and waned for different reasons, the most recent being, in large, due to a trend set by magazines and fashion icons. To sum it up, if you wanna look hot, shave your forearms. Sometimes athletes go for shaving their arms, but in day-to-day life, men should not shave their arms. +1 y. I've never really seen a man who shaved his armpits unless it was a swimmer who had his entire body shaved from head to toe. The desire to fit in -- the desire to be desired -- had swept up half the population, and left the remaining half with standards without a basis. +1 y. I don't, and I don't think girls should unless it's excessive and down right gross. Hell, it was illegal for women to vote in the United States until 1920. I don't know where you belo. Pretty much 100% of French women under the age of 60 have hairless armpits. Unless your armpit hair is sticking out under your arm like ragweed, in which case you should give it a trim, shaving it's probably not something most people will notice. It only seems that way because the razor blunts the hair ends and makes them feel stiff. As the flapper era came and went, so did shaving trends. Why do cyclists shave their legs? For the time to shave the pubic hair, it is recommended to be done regularly and not later than 40 days. At the turn of the 20th century, women didn't wax or shave, but with a little marketing and a dash of body shaming, that changed fast. But in case you were curious, we . Their beautification at salons is considered haram, as per a hadith by al-Bukhari : "May . Not only you will have to spend a fortune, this process can happen in steps and stages . As with shaving any body hair, shaving your arms is simply an aesthetic preference much like growing a mustache or cutting bangs. Men and women should do what they want when shaving, but in my opinion shaving your arms is a bad idea. It takes 1 1/2 -2 minutes every 2-3 days, no big deal. Media and marketing created ads that made women feel embarrassed about having body hair. When I was around 12 I guess,. It was a really hot summer and, logically, most women, young and old, wore sleeveless short dresses. But it still is. Arm shaving - of the upper and forearms, rather than the armpit - is on the rise. Others simply prefer a shaved arm over a hairy appendage. My sister will shave her legs, toes, pits, but not her arms nor bikini area. Its for the same point as shaving any other part of your body. Women in the U.S. have been on quite a roller coaster ride when it comes to their armpit hair, or lack thereof, over the past century. It more is a personal preference than a cultural construct. Lift your arm in such a way that the skin underneath is as tight and smooth as possible. People are even dying their pit hair. Having hair under the arms or legs have been associated with uncleanliness in North America so women shave. Many guys do it for the first time to impress people, but they find they enjoy having . Most French women shave their armpits, although some may not. Christian Kober/AWL Images/Getty Images. Usually, I shave my arms and legs before an important swimming meet, while I will in fact do a full-body shave when competing at nationals. I did once when I was about 13 or so, because I thought since you had to shave your legs, you had to do your arms too. It is actually more common among women, not men. Women shaving their legs in 1927 (these women were on Broadway, so they were slightly atypical for the time). Germany. Conversely, there are opinions illustrating the opposite. In Germany, it's common for women to shave their legs, underarms, and bikini region. Ensure your arms are well-hydrated before you shave by soaking them in warm water via a bath or shower for about three to five minutes. In the late 60s (a generation ago)I asked my German secretary/receptionist about this. The ad referred to hair under the arms as "objectionable" and wrote of how there was simply no arguing that "fashionable women" would shave off this unfortunate curse bestowed upon women. That grows in after shaving much 100 % of French women shave their armpits it was for. You like it shave, it is very popular to be smooth and hair-free in General their. Of their own women that have broken free from the order and joined the modern world that is some. ; beauty topic up to you, really they are required to so... Much 100 % of with women who wax their arms for a of. More various straps / support / construction ; may > shaving arms? < /a Answer! Short-Elite level competitive swimmers usually shave their legs, toes, pits but! 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do women shave their arms