The employer should also notify its employees that there has been a confirmed COVID-19 case in the workplace, while keeping the name of the sick employee confidential. Illinois reports 2,762 new COVID-19 cases, 4 new deaths. COVID-19. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues most executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through May 1, 2021. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues several executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through May 29, 2021. IN-PERSON LEARNING All public and nonpublic schools in Illinois serving pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students may open for in-person learning after the regular 2019-2020 school term. If an employee tests positive for COVID- 19, their employer should inform other employees in the workplace who may have been exposed. Yes. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. HOSPITAL CAPACITY IDPH shall exercise discretion enforcing certain regulations. Economic Recovery. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS (IDOC) Suspends the allowable time period for furloughs and the phrase for a period of time not to exceed 14 days. The phrase to obtain medical, psychiatric or psychological services when adequate services are not otherwise available shall be suspended and furloughs for medical, psychiatric or psychological purposes shall be allowed. If an employee requests a reasonable accommodation, such as telecommuting, staggering schedules, or taking a leave of absence, the employer should discuss the request with the employee to determine whether the requested accommodation, or another accommodation can be provided. Some of these individuals should have been classified as employees and therefore would be eligible for unemployment insurance. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. METRO EAST MITIGATIONS The Metro East region has reported three consecutive days of a test positivity rate of 8 percent or higher. Schools must provide remote learning to students who are excluded. It also requires counties with populations above 250,000 to offer the option of a remote hearing. An employee who tests positive should make their employer aware of the positive test. Tier 3 Mitigations aim to limit gatherings and encourage people to stay home to the greatest extent possible, while allowing most industries to continue operating at significantly reduced levels. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. If two or more employees report having COVID-19 related symptoms or test positive for COVID-19, the employer must notify their local health department within 24 hours of being informed of the presence of COVID-19 symptoms or positive test results. Includes Executive Order 2020-30, which prohibits residential evictions. Laid off employees who previously had employer-provided health insurance may continue their coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). Does not limit the free exercise of religion, and indoor services must not exceed more than 10 people. (COVID-19 EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. Therefore, Executive Order 51 and Executive Order 54 are rescinded and Region 4 can return to Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois Plan. This supersedes EO 2020-38. This shall not be construed as relieving any individual of the obligation to pay rent or comply with a lease or rental agreement. Health and safety laws apply to all employees, regardless of immigration status. The law will also restore sick days used during the 2021-2022 school year. Employees in these settings who are unable or unwilling to receive the vaccine will be required to get tested for COVID-19 at least once per week. This guidance includes recommendations for all types of businesses and venues, customers, and employees in order to help maintain healthy environments and operations, as well as lower the risk of COVID-19 spread. Reissues previous Executive Orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic. [{"code":"en","title":"Illinois' Virtual Agent","message":"Hello"},{"code":"es","title":"Agente virtual de Illinois","message":"Hola"}]. J.B. Pritzker on Tuesday morning. J.B. Pritzker's office announced Monday night he signed into law changes to the Health Care Right of Conscience Act. NEW STAY AT HOME ORDER This new order allows Illinoisans to leave their home for essential activities, including for health and safety, for necessary supplies and services, for outdoor activity, for certain types of work, to take care of others, and to engage in the free exercise of religion, but otherwise requires them to stay at home or their place of residence to prevent spread of COVID-19. . It adds 16 additional endangered or threatened species to the list of animals whose parts are illegal to buy, sell or import, including giraffes, narwhals, pangolins, sharks and walruses, among others. CLARIFIES CEASING EVICTIONS Defines State Agency. Prohibits residential eviction actions and all law enforcement officers are instructed to cease enforcing evictions for non-residential premises, unless the tenant poses a threat. According to the Kankakee County State's Attorney, the ruling means the pre-trial release and bail reforms will not. Housing providers will also not be held liable for injuries caused by a pet on their properties. There is currently no state or federal law that provides job protection to a healthy employee who refuses to work out of fear of contracting COVID-19. The Stalking/No Contact Order law in Illinois has been amended to include a prohibition on contact made via email or social media. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Illinois HB 572 amends the Sales Finance Agency Act to invalidate any financing, retail installment contract or loan for the purchase of a cat or a dog. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance is available for up to 39 weeks for individuals whose unemployment is attributable to COVID-19 and who are not eligible for other unemployment benefits. HB 00135: Requires health insurance policies to cover health care or patient care around the dispensation of birth control. New Laws Taking Effect in 2022 Impact Employers, Employees SPRINGFIELD - As we prepare for the new year, employers and employees should be aware of new laws taking effect January 1st, as well as those already in effect due to action by the General Assembly and signature of Governor JB Pritzker. Suspends specific provisions in the Hospital Licensing Act, the Hospital Report Card Act, the Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law, the Illinois Adverse Health Care Events Reporting Law of 2005, and the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems Act. To establish eligibility under the new program, the claimant will have to demonstrate they are not eligible under the regular program. Additionally, employers should conduct temperature and/or symptom screenings of all employees prior to their entry to the workplace. In general, individuals not authorized to work in the United States are not eligible for regular unemployment benefits or benefits under the PUA. Any information collected in cases where no criminal charges are filed must be destroyed within 60 days unless there is reasonable suspicion that it contains evidence or a crime or unless it is deemed relevant to an ongoing investigation. The amendments also clarified other controversial elements of the bill, including that police can still arrest someone for trespassing, and that judges can issue arrest warrants when someone misses court. The department must also increase counseling opportunities and dedicate staff to helping people who owe money for child support. . Employers are required to follow the Governors Executive Orders. This supersedes Section 1 of Executive Order 2020-03*. (COVID-19 EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. This Executive Order supersedes Executive Order 2020-72. Exemptions to all Tiers and Phases include free exercise of religion, emergency functions, and governmental functions. Executive Order 2020-43 , the Community Revitalization Order, remains in effect. More information on the use of face coverings is available on the Illinois Department of Human Rights website. In response, additional public health restrictions and mitigations are instituted for Region 1, such as a tighter gathering cap of 10 individuals rather than 25 and new table caps of six rather than 10 at restaurants and bars. Employers should never require employees or other workers at the workplace to report to work while experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. The IDOC shall file emergency rules as needed. Illinois Passes COVID-19 Emergency Housing Act with Protections for Ensures any impacted licensed professionals are aiding in the response to the disaster. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. Yes. RELATED | Voters passed the workers' rights amendment in the 2022 election; what does that mean for Illinois? Guidance For Employers and Employees on Workers' Rights and - Illinois This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. State and federal law requires exemptions for certain medical and religious reasons. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues several executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through August 21, 2021. In the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, suspends the time period for designated students, applicants, and employees to have their fingerprints collected electronically. VARIOUS PROVISIONS Suspends the date of each townships annual meeting for calendar year 2020. When maintaining a 6-foot social distance may not always be possible, visitors should be encouraged to wear face coverings; and. Nearly 300 new laws will take effect in Illinois at the start of the new year. REGIONS 3 MITIGATIONS Region 3, West-Central Illinois, has reported three consecutive days of a test positivity rate of 8 percent or higher. It will soon be a new year, and that means that new laws are set to go into effect, with nearly 300 new measures beginning on Jan. 1. PHASE FOUR REOPENING The community revitalization phase safely resumes and expands activities that were paused or limited as COVID-19 cases rose exponentially. Prominently post the guidance from IDPH and the Office of the Illinois Attorney General regarding workplace safety during the COVID-19 emergency. Watch Live. These laws also protect employees from retaliation when they engage in conduct to oppose discrimination or harassment, or when they raise safety and health concerns with their employer or coworkers. The EEOC has issued guidance stating that due to the acknowledgment of COVID-19 community spread by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local public health authorities, employers may take employees temperatures. 106) May 27, 2022 WHEREAS, since early March 2020, Illinois has faced a pandemic that has caused extraordinary sickness and loss of life, infecting over 3,280,000, and taking the lives of more than 33,700 residents; and, Additional resources and frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and public health are available on IDPHs website, HB 00226: Public universities will now be required to permit students to choose whether they submit ACT and SAT scores when applying for admission. The determination of whether work is suitable and whether there is good cause for refusing it is made on a case- by-case basis through the Illinois Department of Employment Securitys (IDES) hearing andadjudication process. CANNABIS REGSITRY INDENTIFICATION RENEWALS Suspends provisions in the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act regarding renewal applications and renewal fees for registry identification cards.
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