Lisa is the first commercial personal computer with a graphical user interface (GUI). The device was considered the earliest non-kit personal computer. _____ account allows changes that affect other users, changes to security settings, installation of software and hardware, and access to all files on the computer. Colligan, Dubinsky, Hawkins (left to right). Which two kinds of software are designed primarily for use by individuals rather than by groups of students? server. The US Navy Tactical Data System uses computers to integrate and display shipboard radar, sonar and communications data. any combo of hardware or software designed to provide services to us. Store the results for future use Hardware the electronical and mechanical equipment that makes up a computer. Which instructional software function would probably be the most appropriate choice for allowing students to discover rules for genetics? MADDIDA (Magnetic Drum Digital Differential Analyzer) prototype. Rather than testing components like the SEAC, the SWAC was built using already-developed technology. Curt Herzstark was an Austrian engineer who worked in his familys manufacturing business until he was arrested by the Nazis in 1943. A microcomputer contains a microprocessor (a central processing unit on a microchip ), memory in the form of read-only memory and random access memory , . Its Williams-Kilburn tube memory system was later adopted by several other early computer systems around the world. What do research studies tend to confirm about online learning? The AGCs first flight was on Apollo 7. It was also repeatedly expanded and improved throughout its 13-year lifespan. Spectra systems were marketed on the basis of their compatibility with the IBM System/360 series of computer since it implemented the IBM 360 instruction set and could run most IBM software with little or no modification. With a peak speed of over a petaflop (one thousand trillion calculations per second), the Tianhe 1 (translation: Milky Way 1) is developed by the Chinese National University of Defense Technology using Intel Xeon processors combined with AMD graphic processing units (GPUs). The system was kept at NASA Ames Research Center until 2013, when it was removed to make way for two new supercomputers. The Model 650 was also highly popular in universities, where a generation of students first learned programming. About 50,000 were sold in Britain, primarily to hobbyists, and initially there was a long waiting list for the system. What type of web-based creation is produced when students submit their written or artistic products to a website? Applications that came as part of the package included MacPaint, which made use of the mouse, and MacWrite, which demonstrated WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) word processing. Its chiclet keyboard was also criticized for poor ergonomics. Walt Disney Pictures ordered eight of the 200B model to test recording equipment and speaker systems for the 12 specially equipped theatres that showed the movie Fantasia in 1940. Assessment instruments may have lower reliability and validity when used with non-native English speakers. While many early digital computers were based on similar designs, such as the IAS and its copies, others are unique designs, like the CSIRAC. It was a commercial computer based on a microprocessor, the Intel 8008. The Univac 1 is the first commercial computer to attract widespread public attention. It was developed as a versatile instrument controller for HP's growing family of programmable test and measurement products. By the mid-1960s, nearly half of all computers in the world were IBM 1401s. False Drivers are used to communicate with peripheral devices such as monitors, printers, and keyboards. Cuthbert Hurd (standing) and Thomas Watson, Sr. at IBM 701 console. The Difference Engine #2 at the Science Museum, London. The last one was decommissioned in 1979. Information systems whose purpose is to glean from raw data relationships and trends that might help organizations compete better are called business intelligence (BI) systems. His daughter named the new machine after the star Altair. Throughout the 1960s and 70s, the ASR-33 was a popular and inexpensive choice of input and output device for minicomputers and many of the first generation of microcomputers. The Mark 1 was a refinement of the experimental Manchester Baby and Manchester Mark 1 computers, also at Manchester University. The machine was designed and built by Atanasoff and graduate student Clifford Berry between 1939 and 1942. The word "computer" was first used in 1613 in the book The Yong Mans Gleanings by Richard Braithwaite and originally described a human who performed calculations or computations. spreadsheet What is the function of an IEP generator? Intel released the 80486 microprocessor and the i860 RISC/coprocessor chip, each of which contained more than 1 million transistors. . This type of computer is useful in performing many of the mathematical equations scientists and engineers encounter in their work. In his book Giant Brains, Berkeley noted - We shall now consider how we can design a very simple machine that will think. Apple introduces their first ultra notebook a light, thin laptop with high-capacity battery. Which of the following is not a quality to look for in well-developed tutorial software? At 4 million operations per second and 4 kilobytes of memory, the 80386 gave PCs as much speed and power as older mainframes and minicomputers. What type of software allows teachers and students in different locations to use it to create, edit, and share documents at the same time over the Internet? The machines existence was not made public until the 1970s. Only one month later, another one million Raspberry Pis were delivered. The banking industry rushed to adopt the machine, built to run during repair or expansion. It featured a 5-inch display, 64 KB of memory, a modem, and two 5.25-inch floppy disk drives. This was the first program in history to run on a digital, electronic, stored-program computer. Called a complex instruction set computer, VAX systems were backward compatible and so preserved the investment owners of previous DEC computers had in software. A special version, known as HARVEST, was developed for the US National Security Agency (NSA). Apple Stores display of newly introduced Apple Watches. If a student is creating within Minecraft or Sims, what type of computer programming products are they designing and making? The SSEC was one of the last of the generation of 'super calculators' to be built using electromechanical technology. The British Broadcasting Corporations Computer Literacy Project hoped to introduce interested adults to the world of computers. Acorn produces a popular computer, the BBC Microcomputer System, so viewers at home could follow along on their own home computers as they watched the program. The Zilog Z-80 could run any program written for the 8080 and included twice as many built-in machine instructions. Running on dual IBM 7090 mainframe computer systems, SABRE was inspired by IBMs earlier work on the SAGE air-defense system. Apples inspiration for the Lisa and Macintosh computers came from the Xerox Alto. The Nova was first to employ medium-scale integration (MSI) circuits from Fairchild Semiconductor, with subsequent models using large-scale integrated (LSI) circuits. ENIAC used panel-to-panel wiring and switches for programming, occupied more than 1,000 square feet, used about 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighed 30 tons. The TV Typewriter was used by many small television stations well in the 1990s. [2] Palm could be connected to a PC or Mac using a serial port to synchronize sync both computer and Palm. The MOS 6502 was introduced at a conference in San Francisco at a cost of $25, far less than comparable processors from Intel and Motorola, leading some attendees to believe that the company was perpetrating a hoax. Which of the following is not a benefit offered by simulations? . Which of the following is an online course characteristic that supports success? microcomputer: A microcomputer is a complete computer on a smaller scale and is generally a synonym for the more common term, personal computer or PC , a computer designed for an individual. In some places, lower populations of ELL students may result in distorted data analysis. Because of its electronic, as opposed to electromechanical, technology, it is over 1,000 times faster than any previous computer. The Nest allowed for remote access to a users homes thermostat by using a smartphone or tablet and could also send monthly power consumption reports to help save on energy bills. It used two different microprocessors: an IBM POWER XCell L8i and AMD Opteron. Remington Rand eventually sold 46 Univac 1s at more than $1 million each. The device's success led to the creation of MIT Lincoln Laboratory in 1951. Also known inside IBM as the Defense Calculator," the 701 rented for $15,000 a month. While the PC Jr. sold poorly, the PC/AT sold in the millions. The Macintosh was the first successful mouse-driven computer with a graphical user interface and was based on the Motorola 68000 microprocessor. Stibitz stunned the group by performing calculations remotely on the CNC (located in New York City) using a Teletype terminal connected to New York over special telephone lines. These microcomputers were often sold as "DIY" kits or pre-built machines in relatively small numbers in the mid-1970s.These systems were primarily used for teaching the use of microprocessors and supporting peripheral devices, and unlike home computers were rarely used with pre-written application software. Northrop was initially reluctant to make MADDIDA a commercial product, but by the end of 1952, six had sold. The laser printer was used with PARCs Alto computer, and was commercialized as the Xerox 9700. Lenovo became the largest manufacturer of PCs in the world with the acquisition, later also acquiring IBM's server line of computers. Let us call it Simon, because of its predecessor, Simple Simon Simon is so simple and so small in fact that it could be built to fill up less space than a grocery-store box; about four cubic feet.. The Alpha processor designs were eventually acquired by Compaq, which, along with Intel, phased out the Alpha architecture in favor of the HP/Itanium microprocessor. That's not as trivial. Wi-Fi mainframe computer. Its base price was $6,500. Built as an electro-mechanical means of decrypting Nazi ENIGMA-based military communications during World War II, the British Bombe is conceived of by computer pioneer Alan Turing and Harold Keen of the British Tabulating Machine Company.
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