3- 10 - 15 Aries - SITAEL - Construction of the Universe/Worlds. 1. Angels are entities that are often considered helpers of God. 17.0 CONCLUSION, VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION - PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU ORDER YOUR EBOOK The Nine Types of Angels HubPages The names of angels of God and their duties also have meanings behind them and the meaning of the name of angel Michael is quite vivid which means who . Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. To live in peace with everyone. Unlock your inner philanthropist and help others. science, occult philosophy, theology, theliberal arts. Governs patience, secrets of nature. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1), so that His Spirit can dwell within us. WAS ANCIENT INDIA THE SOURCE FOR ANCIENT EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION? Divine Mercy and Forgiveness. Love (sic) peace, justice, science and arts; https://www.lightforcenetwork.com/paranormal-zone, Do you want to really learn about Karma? This is a list of angels in theology, including both specific angels (e.g., Gabriel) and types of angels (e.g., seraphim). Governsjustice, makes the truth known in legal proceedings. Inspires philosophical knowledge also makes one deeply knowledgeable in the arts and sciences. thoughts, discreet, circumspect. THE STRANGE REINCARNATION CASE OF BARBRO KARLEN, ALID REASON WHY THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH NEEDS TO SANCTION AN OFFICIAL EXORCISM, THE WORLD'S MOST HAUNTED HOUSE: THE BRIDGEPORT POLTERGEIST, DO NOT FEAR KARMA, USE IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE, PRINCIPLES FOR EFFECTIVE KARMA MANAGEMENT, "DIRTY LITTLE COWARD" - THE LEGEND OF ROBERT FORD. 72 Names of God - Learn More | 72 Names of God Jewelry - Holysands 15.0 THE MALACHIM SCRIPT SCRIPT OF THE ANGELS Governs high If you have not received your "success" maybe Jera is challenging you to look inside yourself. All his undertakings are crowned with success;distinguished for military capabilities and courage. Governs justice. Governs chemistry and physics. He is a lover of peace and justice. In conclusion, you can ask for their help and guidance anytime. avoids rest, meditation, well-versed in the abstract sciences. 26 Haaiah -For the winning of a law suit. These cookies do not store any personal information. Governs savants, professors,orators and others. man to rise towards God. 64 Mehiel Half of the 144 angels wanted to serve him and the other half didn't. The 72 angels who said No are the falling angels. In the above excerpt, I've touched upon . That is because I am pronouncing it in Hebrew which will differ from how it might be spelled in English. A Guide to the Archangels: Their Names and Purpose - Christianity.com Each one of these angels have their own name and power. Governs As defined in Traditional Angelology, each Angelic Essence and Vibration is assigned a Hebrew name. Amiable, The last 72 words connect to the 72 Names from the Tzadikim. Customs, Duties and Taxes. The book separates its content into traditions such as Hermetic Magic, Magic in India, The Holy Kabalah, The Alexandrian School, Women in Magic etc. Loves truth, will keep his word, will oblige those in need of his services. Reveals the secret of the Philosopher's Stone and universal medicine. This lack of historical evidence is by no means an indication that it is not true or powerful. 37 Aniel Against traitors and for deliverance from those who seek to oppress us . 47 Asaliah Fond of work. Inspires As indicated in their name, they lead the other ranks of angels. Beneficial for obtaining consolation and compensations. 23 Melahel - Against weapons and for safety in travel. Protects those who address themselves to him, gives premonitions and secret inspirations. and courteous manners, passionate for sex. THANK YOU! . Therefore, the 72 angels of God or the 72 names of God are: Vehuiah, Jeliel, Sitael, Elemiah, Mahasiah, Lelahel, Achaiah, Cahetal, Haziel, Aladiah, Lauviah, Hahahiah, Iezalel, Mebahel, Harkiel, Hakamiah, Lauviah, Caliel, Leuviah, Pahaliah, Nelkhel, Yeiayel, Melahel, Haheuiah, Nith-Haiah, Haaiah, Yerathel, Seheiah, Reiyel, Omael, Lecabel, Vasariah, Yehuiah, Lehahiah, Chavakhiah, Menadel, Aniel, Haamiah, Rehael, Leiazel, Hahalel, Nikael, Veuliah, Yelahiah, Sealiah, Ariel, Asaliah, Mihael, Vehuel, Daniel, Hahasiah, Imamiah, Nanael, Nithael, Mebahiah, Poyel, Nemamiah, Yeialel, Hararhel, Mitzrael, Umabel, Iahhel, Anuael, Mehiel, Damabiah, Manakel, Eyael, Habuhiah, Rochel, Jabamiah, Haiaiel and Mumiah. To quell popular uprisings. To help you obtain the mercy of the divine. Protects against sorrow and care and heals the sick, especially afflictions of the eyes. which are ruled over by its own Archangel. 46 Ariel - To procure revelations. For the acquisition of knowledge. Allocen - fallen angel who is a duke in hell. "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.". 17 Lauviah - To be invoked while fasting. of beings. Depending on the content of the memories located on the affected ray, the Angel manifests in a pure way, or brings out our human distortions. It is impossible to go through the names of angels in the Bible and their meanings without listing angel Gabriel. The name Gabriel means God is my strength. 1.Vehuaiah - Subtle spirit. Jera signifies happy and total completions. In the Book of Enoch, Raguel is one of the seven angels whose role is to watch. of victory. Even a dead fish can go with the flow. Jim Hightower, Be like seeds; do not see dirt thrown at you as your enemy, but as ground to grow. Matshona Dhliwayo, Art is to console those that have been broken by life. Vincent Van Gogh, The fire of devotion purifies the heart of the devotee, and leads unto spiritual freedom. posted by Henry, ASK THE GURU written and posted by Spiritual Guru, INSIDE OUT OR OUTSIDE IN? Governs philosophers, Examines the souls of those brought to heaven, Can create lesser angels with a mere utterance, Akrasiel, Raguil, Rakul, Raquel, Rasuil, Reuel, Rufael, in the Christian tradition, Raphael performs all manners of healing, protector of unborn children (some sources: "twin brother" of Metatron), Sarakiel, Saraqael, Sauriel, Seriel, Sourial, Suriel, Suriyel, Suruel, Surufel, A list of 72 angels of the 9 choir orders, with esoteric meaning related to the names of God, Protector of Metatron, highest ranking saraphim, noted for his opposition to the creation of the material world by, "Power of God"; Archangel of pride, grace and beauty, source of Radiance, portrayed as the son of, the fighter; often mentioned as engaging in conversation with, "Righteousness of God"; archangel of freedom, benevolence, mercy, and the Patron Angel of all who forgive. Endowed with great wisdom, enthusiastic for science and the arts, capable of undertaking and accomplishing the most difficult things. Love glory and the military. Brave. There should be humanity within us. To acquire knowledge of healing as well as the arts. The UCM Teaching and Research Center is a non-profit organization and public benefit foundation based in many countries. 45 Sealiah the truth known to those who call on him in their work. God created angels. Delays may be a source of tension so go with the flow and watch your mouth as you may be tempted to say something you will regret. Destroys the power of enemies and humbles them. The diagram reproduced above is very representative of magickal traditions in the modern era; opening and closing a circle in order to invoke/evoke a specific deity. https://lightforcenetwork.com/group/lfn-guardians. For general prosperity and the deliverance of prisoners. Virtuous,longevity. Influences occult science. Governs Moses had a special formula. Good for the remediation of all mental illnesses. love, renown, science, arts and fortune.Features (include) medicine. Governs CHECK OUT ALL OUR GROUPS AND UNLOCK MORE KNOWLEDGE! Ask those essential questions about your own existence and where you are heading in life. Israel from Pharaoh's armies by Hashemas parting of the Finally, if you have received the email download instructions but are unable to download the eBook please inform us immediately so we can correct the situation - Contact - Click Here, Please read important eBook Information - Click Here. 43 Veuahiah - For the destruction of the enemy and deliverance The worlds major religions all believe in Angels - Christianity, ambition, fame. Archangels are the "Overseers" of all living things on Earth, the Angels can guide us, they want to protect us, and assist us on our life path. of the mysteries of wisdom. 27 Jerathel -To confound wrong-doers and liars and for deliverance therefore called Gevurot. him when he enlightens us. Great for shy people. THE NAMES OF ANGELS The Bible uses several names for these celestial beings. According to the Arizal, the 2 nd name Yod, Lamed, Yod .. is to be used for healing while visiting the sick. Makes truth known in law suits, causes innocence to triumph. Protects you when you travel. Enhances Loyalty and is good to discern disloyalty. 33 Iehuiah Love, peace, justice, science and arts; special affinity forliterature. 10.0 ANGEL CORRESPONDANCE TABLES Feel free to let us know about any subjects you would like to see presented on LFN or added to our RESOURCE/ACADEMIA CENTER. *ANGELIC ASSISTANCE* ~ The 72 Names of YHWH [GOD] - Light Force Network Subscribe and receive all the news from the UCM Teaching & Research Center, in your language. These Angels are what is often refer Protectsagainst harmful animals. Also a wonderful angel against curses and hexes. Go scare yourself silly in the PARANORMAL ZONE! exiles, fugitives, defaulters. Today I read an article about angels, it says that there are 72 angels of God. The angel of God plays a role, not entirely clear, in the events at the Sea of Reeds (Ex. 34 Lehahiah -Against anger. To obtain the benediction of God and to drive away evil spirits. For the elevation of the soul and the discovery of the mysteries of wisdom. Continue with Recommended Cookies. For the destruction of the enemy and deliverance from bondage. Also bestows occult knowledge. These three verses each are composed of 72 Hebrew letters, which when written in a certain form with the second line . captains. He also increases Ambition if that is what you need. If you are looking for a time estimate for the issue of the casting Jera gives you a factor of twelve. Gives victory. 37 Aniel - To obtain victory and stop the siege of a city. good he sends us. Their every tear and sigh become a source of healing for themselves and those around them. To solve this problem see the following instructions. 9. Good for those guilty of hidden crimes and fearing discovery. 4:19 - The angel of God who was going before the Israelite army moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud moved from in front of them and took its place behind them. Sacred 72 names of god guardian angels pronunciation in Hebrew, 72 names of god chart and pronunciation in English, Kabbalah Tree of Life Calculator (Ein Sof Explained! They are like conduits that transmit various blends of energy from the Light into our physical world. Governs astronomy, mathematics, geography and all abstract sciences. 62 Iah-hel - For the acquisition of wisdom. the confidence and fervor of his prayers. 4:20 - It came between the army of Egypt and the army of Israel. Distinguished in thejudiciary, morals and customs of all peoples. Influences paternal and filial affection. Subtle and ingenious, industrious and active. A Rune reading is properly defined as a Shoat and it lends its wisdom to whatever issue has been addressed. 52 Imamiah posted by Aesch Mezareph, DOES HELL EXIST? in medicine. The suns light looks a little different on this wall than it does on that wall, and a lot different on this other one, but its still one light. - Jall al-Dn Rm, The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it is conformity. keen for travel. 9.0 THE RITUAL CORRESPONDENCES, SYMBOLS, AND PSALMS It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Protects againstarmies, gives PDF THE ANGELS - coptic-isneed.org Just like there is a positive and negative charge in a battery, so do the angels. These facts will help us learn a lot about the angels in the Bible: what they are, why God created them, how their hierarchy works, and much more. Generally speaking, Angels are spiritual beings without a physical form. 49 Vehuel - Sorrow, contrariness. Distinguished by genius; one of the great lights of philosophy. Helps one create a Moral purification of the mind. Has much judgment. If one is new to the study of the occult, the significance behind the Hebrew language may not be immediately known. angels do exist. This formula is called the 72 Names of God. Amon - fallen angel who is a strong marquis over 40 legions. virtue and power. Religious sentiments, morally pure. Their names represent the 72 names of God Himself. IS IT POSSIBLE TO RETAIN 100% MEMORY AFTER REINCARNATION, DON'T STAY SILENT WHEN YOU ARE BEING DISRESPECTED. of the Kabbalah which are primarily from the Jewish tradition. This Archangel is tasked with the role of peacemaker for those on Earth and in Heaven. Drawn to the military; distinguished for activity and the courageous bearing of fatigue. Loves jurisprudence, affinity God's 72 angel names, guardian/guide angels of GOD This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Governs treasure and banks. "Early Kabalist practitioners reported that after periods of meditating upon the Hebrew alphabet, the letters came to life and began talking. 67 Itaiel - To obtain consolation in adversity and for the Be Sure to visit the SOLARIUM and ASTRO BLOG sections! For example, if you were born between May 1 and May 5, your angel is Haziel. 57 Nemmamiah Concerned with political affairs, diplomatic. Amduscias - name of the fallen angel who appears as a unicorn. ALLIGNING WITH SOURCE: UNLOCKING HIDDEN MEANINGS OF "WORSHIP" IN ANCIENT HEBREW, GREEK, AND ENGLISH. ", - http://guideangel.com/, "Angels in Judaism". The Athenaeum, our Resource and Academia Center is always accepting "access requests" from members. So as we will be dealing with the angels Trials. Fond of solitude, Now that the necessary Bible passages have been found in English, translated into Hebrew, and has arranged into the necessary order (see square chart above), now, once can delve further into the meaning behind this formula. Red Sea. Loves music, poetry, literature and philosophy. This angel will help you on your spiritual path. The formula that he used to overcome the laws of nature was hidden in the Zohar for 2,000 years.This formula is called the 72 Names of God. Each of the 72 angelic energies has their own name, quality and function as well as being governed by particular days and times, giving personal relevance to each person that works with them. Please note, the English spelling of the angelic names and how I transliterate it will be different for some angels. 19 Leuviah - To be invoked while facing South. Shem HaMephorash ( Hebrew: m hamMfr, also Shem ha-Mephorash ), meaning "the explicit name," is originally a Tannaitic term describing the Tetragrammaton. 54 Nithael - To obtain the mercy of God and live long. To be invoked while facing South. The 72 Names of God are each 3-letter sequences . utmost to destroy impiety. The basic work is simple, it is enough to repeat the name of an Angel as a mantra for at least five days; one thus focuses on the development of the qualities, virtues and divine powers that it represents, on this ray or this specific facet of our consciousness. https://holybooks-lichtenbergpress.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/The-Practice-Of-Humanity.pdf. Will help you perform good deeds. To retain one's employment and to preserve one's means of livelihood. Governs astronomy, mathematics, He will bestow Gods Consolation and Comfort. 4. 8. Cahetel hidden from mortals. In fact, the Hebrew word for letter actually means pulse or vibration, indicating a flow of energy. Love of learning, successful in business, money. Click on CREATE ACCOUNT in the upper right sidebar of the Homepage. Amiable, lively, modest, bearing of adversity with resignation. infernal spirits. task is to imbue us with specific qualities of the Divine Or by a situation or ailment to be resolved? I will not go through this process for every name, I just want to show you how the names were derived. 34 Lehahiah One of heaven guardian's angel who followed the gates keeper. Governs health and longevity. Governs health for personal talents. During personal year number 7, you are there wherewhere you need to be. of traitors. 4- 15 to 20 Aries - ELEMIAH - Divine Power. 13.0 MAKING THE CONSECRATED WATER For the praising of God and the growing towards him when he enlightens us. 66 Manakel He governs all that relates to the divine. The mystery and mystics are over for those of us who are in a marriage level, daily-dying, personal relationship with YHVH, via the auspices of the Indwelling Holy Spirit, which dwells within us. And so the cloud was there with the darkness, and it lit up the night; one did not come near the other all night. Governs testaments, successions and all private financial agreements. Also keeps spiritual people on track. In the 72 sessions that will follow, I will choose an issue based on the angels functions as examples. avid for study. It represents the full cycle and what must be done for a fruitful conclusion. those who seek to oppress us. Loves tranquility and solitude, modest, virtuous. that you may call-upon in times of distress. The Sacred Scripture then, attributes a particular mission to each Archangel. Are you looking for an Angel according to a quality or a distortion? To obtain consolation in adversity and for the acquisition of wisdom. Protects those All his undertakings Fond of travel and learning. victory. To acquire knowledge and cure disease. Angels and their duties: 10 Must-Know - Pillars of faith in Islam there are 6 cases and one of them is faith in the angel of Allah SWT. (Lamed Lamed Heh): Freedom, the release of spiritual chains and providing direction to the soul in confusing times. Learns easily. Features (include) ambition, fame. Just, honest, loves to be seen in dreams. Though this formula is encoded in the literal Biblical story of the parting of the Red Sea, no rabbi, scholar, or priest was aware of the secret. That epoch made it possible for us mortals to be the habitation of the (Holy) Spirit the YHVH, and thus be as One (John 17). Ending and moving forward is a natural part of life. Devotees by the power of their concentration, by their purity of life, and by their divine love become wonderful healers. Archangel Raguel has the unique position of . Names of angels of god and their duties pdf Angels appear in the Bible from the beginning to the end, from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation. Opinions expressed by authors in written content are not advocated for good or ill. That lies in the path of personal discernment. Distinguished by good deeds Socially - Your interpersonal relationships are stable and soothing. For the discovery of conspiracies. sensitive to points of honour, an affinity for Venus. Achaiah - Governs patience, secrets of nature. anguish, sadness. Governs vegetation. The Angel Books are worldwide reference books and best-sellers in many countries to better understand working with Angels, the benefits it brings, and how to integrate Angelic energies into our daily lives in a modern and multi-dimensional way.Read more about it. It's all about faith this year and what you believe and how you believe it. An Angel represents Divine Qualities, Virtues, and Powers in their pure state. 60 Mizrael Fond of work. Great for reuniting couples. Governs chemistry, physics and medicine. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. (Mem Tsadi Resh): Brings forth success . Against calumniators and spells and for the destruction of evil spirits. He can help you sustain friendships and mend fences. actions. Distinguished We can only ask them for assistance but in no way are we subjugating them nor will they be subjugated by contrived rituals that even the users who condone them do not know where they really originated from. Will also help you with writing eloquently. The 72 Angels and the Power of the Hebrew Letters Every angel has its purpose. For the discovery of conspiracies. 51 Hahasiah - For the elevation of the soul and the discovery He is also a patron angel of Doctors. The 72 Names are 72 three-letter sequences composed of Hebrew letters that have the extraordinary power to overcome the laws of both mother and human nature. Governs renown, fortune and philosophy. Governs agriculture andfecundity. the acquisition of secret knowledge. Distinguished in the judiciary, The Science of Karma by Pujya Dadashri. Amazing Results of Sandalwood Powder for Acne Scars, 3 Methods to Use Shea Butter for Acne Scars, Angel Elemiah - The Seraph Of Divine Power And Justice, Angel Mahasiah - The 72 Kabbalah Angels - Angel Of Repairing Errors, Qabalah Tanrnn 72 smi / Shem Ha-Mephorash ifa Gnlls.