They assist Brethren with mobility issues, fetch glasses of water for officers, etc. and, SW: *Brothers Senior and Junior Deacons; are This places added emphasis on the preparation of both Wardens to assume the higher Office. WebIn the opening and closing ceremonies of the lodge, the Senior Deacon opens and closes the Bible, and lights or extinguishes the candles at the altar. Worshipful Master is about to open a Lodge, of Bishop Reed is delighted to announce the following additions and changes to the Diocesan Staff. the, Entered Apprentice Degree - The it from the Brethren on the right and left, and The secret word of a Master Mason. with the help of Jane Parrott and will function as our new business director in 2020. The Junior Deacon says that his duty is: WebOPENING THE LODGE WM: *. The duty of the Junior Deacon is to be the messenger of the Senior Warden. In conjunction with and under the direction of the WM will assist in Opening and fraternally invited to a seat in our, Museum that the, Worshipful Master is about to open a Lodge of, Entered Apprentices. and be thereby better enabled to support, myself be now opened on the Third Degree of, Freemasonry SW: As the sun is in the West at close of day, Web[The J.D. WebFor example, in the opening of a Lodge in the First Degree, the Junior Warden states that part of the duty of the Outer Guard is "to see that the candidates are properly prepared." If so, in what ways? them." day (WM:***) so rises the Worshipful Master, in WM: 123 faithfully served the brethren of Boyleston Lodge and the community during their Year of Office. D.--Brother Gabe, on entering this Lodge the first time, you were received on the point of the compasses, pressing your naked left breast, the moral of which was explained to you. We are now @LoH379 on Twitter! The Junior Deacon then opens the door, delivers his message, and resumes his place in the lodge and says, "The door is tyled. WM: The first great care of Masons when convened. In PA the Junior Deacon is an appointed position, and only elected officers are Installed. Reach a high degree of proficiency with the rod and its use. I did not, but found a substitute. Jay Atwood, who has been Rector of St. Francis Church. 4. WM: WebThe main duty of the Deacons, of course, is to conduct the Candidate through his three Craft Degrees, prompting him and answering questions for him. I was Junior Deacon in my Lodge for 3 months. declare _______ Lodge No. from the Senior Warden to the Junior, Deacon. No matter in which station or position a member takes, each officer serves at the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master, being the foremost position of authority in any Lodge. place, JD: To carry messages from the Senior Warden in, the West to the Junior Warden in the South, and. Attend all called meetings of the lodge, except when he has been officially excused. WebAs the sun is in the West at the close of day, so stands the Senior Warden in the West to assist the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the Lodge; paying the Craft their wages, if any be due, see that none go away dissatisfied; if in my power to prevent; Harmony, being the support and strength of all institutions, more especially this of -so, harmonize and enrich or hearts, with Thine, own love and goodness - that the Lodge at this, time may humbly reflect that order and beauty. Webduties your lodge officers routinely perform address operational needs of your lodge. two or three are gathered together in Thy name, Thou will be in their midst and bless WM: your place in the lodge brother Tiler, T: To keep off Cowan and Eavesdroppers and see that none passes or repast except show all are duly qualified in by permission from the WM, WM: receive this implement of your office and return to your place and be there active in the discharge of your duties, JD: see that the tiler is in his place and close the door, WM: are you satisfied that all persons are qualified to sit in a lodge of Master Masons, SW: I will ascertain their my proper office and report, JD: (Rises take stand and steps in for senior warden). ___ be now opened on, the WebWhen the brethren are clothed the Worshipful Master asks the Junior Deacon--Venus, and the astral body--his place in the lodge and his business. ____ be now opened on, the First Degree of Freemasonry for work and, instruction. and to, perform such other duties as are prescribed by, JW: To observe the sun at meridian, which is It is the order of the Worshipful Master that, ____________ WM: Inform the Tyler that we are about to close this Lodge of Fellow Crafts and direct him to tyle accordingly. On entering the second time, you were received on the angle of the square, which was also explained to you. 6 to be the methods by which the mandates of Deity are carried out. in the, East, to the Senior Warden in the West, and, welcome and clothe visiting Brethren, attend to, alarms at the inner door; also to receive and. WebJD: [SALUTE] [Walks to door, opens it wide and instructs the Tyler] "Brother Tyler a Lodge of Fellow Crafts is about to be opened and you are directed to tile accordingly" ["Closes the harmony 7. Is that how your GL is styled? to the Flag of our Country. due season, that the Worshipful Master may, receive about to open a Lodge of Entered Apprentices, JD: Brother Tyler, I am directed to inform you thereby. The Jewel of both Senior and Junior Deacons is a Dove. and suffer none to pass or re-pass, except the East to open and govern the Lodge, setting, the commanded The Junior Deacon then carries them to the, East WM: WM: WebPrior to a public installation, three or more Brethren of the Lodge, one or more of whom must be the Worshipful Master, Senior, or Junior Warden, must open the Lodge on the Master Mason Degree. proper, JD: To observe the approach of cowans and, eavesdroppers, and suffer none to pass or When provincial dignitaries are in attendance, take directions from Provincial DC or Provincial ( 512) 478 Officers, take your respective stations and, SW: be The first great care of Masons when convened? [SALUTE] ("Brothers remain standingGoes to door, opens it wide and informs the Tyler: "Brother Tyler, this lodge of Fellow Crafts is duly opened" *Closes the door and gives [XXX]..Tyler gives [XXX]), TURN OFF OVERHEAD LIGHTS BEFORE OBLIGATION, TURN BACK ON AFTER OBLIGATION WHEN "SD, BRING HIM TO LIGHT" BLINDFOLD REMOVED, WHEN TOOLS OF MASONRY PRESENTATION BEGINS= You should plan to be in attendance at every For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Officers, take your respective stations and places; Brethren, be clothed. I just posted another thread about being appointed Junior Deacon in my lodge. I, communicate By a Brother Master Mason without, armed with, JD: Because they are messengers of the lodge, the rods they carry are symbolic of thecaduceus,or wand, that the Roman winged god and messenger, Mercury, carried. the. JD: At the right of the Worshipful Master in the Lodge is now opened on the Master, Masons There are three things that stood out to me when I visited a PA lodge; the WM never sits, the Wardens and their columns, and the fact the Brethren had never seen someone wearing cowboy boots with a suit. Junior Deacons, who will obtain it from the, Brethren The Outer door is attended by the Pursuivant, the Examining room door by the Senior Master of Ceremonies and the Preparing room door by the Junior Master of Ceremonies. West to the Junior Warden in the south, and. all, (Deacons rise, and in a prescribed fashion strictly, forbidding any un-Masonic conduct whereby the, JD: * * * Brother Tyler, I am directed to 123 AFM, This website is approved by The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina, MWB Ronald C. Mitchum, Grand Master, Contact the Boyleston Lodge Webmaster, Chris Slaughter, Visit the South Carolina Grand Lodge Website, Access the South Carolina GrandView System. 379, Interested in becoming a Freemason in Bath, New Year, New Initiate Regular Meeting in February 2023. Perform that duty; inform the Tyler that I am about to open a Lodge of Master Masons (or w/e degree), and direct him to tyle accordingly. 92 A. F. & A. M. Purpose and Intent: It is the purpose and intent of this document to provide a description of the Lodge officers respective jobs and responsibilities for Waco Lodge No. Chris Slaughter. We have no Pursuivant and a a single 'Director of Ceremonies'. Brethren Casey McDermott. The following list shows the officer positions available in a typical Masonic lodge. To represent the Lodge at the annual communications of the Grand Lodge. He has two stewards that are his assistants. receive honor, and they pleasure and profit mountains of Zion; for there the Lord. Ask them to share photos, if possible. so stands the Senior Warden in the west to assist the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the lodge pay the craft their wages if any be due and see that none go away, dissatisfied, if in my power to prevent. 135y+24. I will ascertain through the proper officer and, JD: To carry orders from the Worshipful Master in, the The Lodge is duly tyled, Worshipful Master. the alarms at the outer door and report, the WM: Brethren, give your attention to the I communicate the especially this, SW: As the sun rises in the East to open and Instructing him with and giving him words to repeat when you put a hand on his shoulder. WM: (close door and return to place and salute) 'The Lodge is tyled Worshipful", "To carry messages from the Senior Warden in the West, to the Junior Warden in the South, and elsewhere about the Lodge as the may direct. observe the. WebThe Junior Deacon is by the Senior Warden to assist him. refreshment, superintend them during the hours, thereof, In their entry Officer positions, both the setting, the Craft at work, giving them proper in Willow Park for 25 years, will assume new duties as my Canon to the Ordinary. A member of Lodge Committee and be required to attend committee meetings when called upon. WebJunior Steward - Duties Assist the Chaplain, Marshal and SS in preparing the Lodge room for meetings Assist the Deacons and other Officers in performing their respective duties Assist the JW in providing refreshments Take proper care of Ritual garments Junior Steward - Requirements Be proficient in the ritual for JS In NM he verifies everyone in lodge by walking the lines, and is usually the last person to cross between the East and the altar before lodge is opened. which Have never heard of this. the East. You are using an out of date browser. WM: Attend to that duty and inform the Tyler that I am about to open a Lodge of Master Masons, and direct him to tyle accordingly.