We know that you have worked providing essential services throughout the pandemic and that you have more than demonstrated your worth in keeping this country going. A copy of the letter sent to the NJC trade unions, along with a copy of the employers media statement, are set out below. NW1 2HD. Not a GMB member? Council workers reject 'insulting' 1.75% pay increase offer We have been notified that the pay award from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 of a 1.75% increase has been agreed by the GMB and UNISON. FAO: Council, Local Authority and Local Government workers acrossEngland, Wales, & Northern Ireland. LOCAL GOVERNMENT CRAFT WORKERS SURVEY HEADLINE RESULTS. UNISON is calling on its members to vote for strike action, arguing the 1.75% offer by local government employers is below-inflation.. UNISON, GMB and Unite have called for a 10% pay rise for council staff to ensure the lowest paid employees earned just above the new real . At Spending Review 2021, the Government set out that councils in England will receive. However, the Government recognises that inflation is higher than it was when these budgets were set and is committed to supporting councils to deliver high-quality public services. The National Joint Council negotiates the pay, terms and conditions of staff in local authorities. Circular 09/2021 FEMPI Pay Restoration 1 July 2021. of the United States and its territories and possessions as listed in 5 CFR 591.205 not located within another locality pay area.) 2021: One-year pay freeze, excluding NHS staff and workers earning below 24,000 In an announcement on Monday, the Treasury said the chancellor would use his forthcoming Budget to say "the. 1. 2. Now that the current pay round has been concluded,GMB will be consulting withmembers on your pay aspirations for 2022. The pay claim is not then expected to be tabled until at least next month, by which time it will already be after the usual pay implementation date of 1 April. Policy paper. We are grateful for all of their important work and focus over a difficult year. Latest on pay - South East Employers You have more responsibility and stress than ever before, but your pay continues to stagnate. A substantial pay increase with a minimum of 10% for all workers in local government and schools! GMB alongside sister unions have written to the employers setting out our disappointment and seeking reasons of this U-turn. . "That's why the chancellor must free up the funds in the spring statement for an above-inflation rise for all staff. The headline results are as follows: 31% of respondents would be willing to accept a 5% pay increase to at least maintain standard of living, 93% respondents think GMB should continue to campaign for a minimum 10.00 starting rate, 63% respondents say excluding a percentage increase there is not anything else they would like GMB to submit on the claim (we have agreed to supplement this years pay claim with a conditions pay claim), 37% of respondents work regular unpaid overtime, 69% of respondents have taken time off due to Covid-19. The final pay claim, as agreed by all three unions, and which has now been submitted is: A headlineclaimof an increase of 2,000 on each pay point, or of the current RPI rate, whichever is the greater, Review of term time only contracts and consideration of retainers, Reduction in the working week (without loss of pay) to 35 hours (34 in London), One additional day of annual leave across the board, Introduction of a home working allowance for all staff who are working from home, A national minimum agreement on homeworking policies for all councils, A separate urgent review of all mileage rates currently applying. Local Government workers know they need a proper pay rise and this isnt it. The pay claim for 2021/22 from UNISON, GMB and Unite calls for a 'substantial' pay rise to tackle ten years of pay restraint and recognise the key role played by staff during the pandemic. For workers aged under 23, Commissioners recommended. Inner London Pay Spine From 1 April 2021 an increase of 2.75% on point 1 and 1.75% on all other points rounded up to the multiple of 3. This includes: The latest NJC circular focuses on the Governments announcement on working from home across England only. Taxes for the NHS and social care should be raised from other sources better able to pay. GMB joint Local Government and Schools Committee representatives have discussed the pay offer and are recommending you vote to REJECT the offer. Those discussions have now started for pay in 2021/22. GMB will now meet with reps to discuss next steps for a ballot on the offer and if this leads to industrial action, members will have our full support.. Thank you to all GMB members for taking the time to vote in the recent Indicative Industrial Action Ballot. The majority of employees - those on salaries starting at 18,198 per annum - would receive an uplift of 1.75 per. The government's '3% pay rise' is a cut in real terms for nurses. GMB will ask all members in scope of NJC pay to make sure they have their say on pay. The employers 1.75% offer is wholly inadequate and with energy bills skyrocketing, shopping bills going up, and inflation high and rising, it represents yet another pay cut for workers who have seen a quarter of the value of their pay wiped out since 2010. Exclusive: Strike action 'doubtful' as union's ballot results come in All ofthe results were collated and considered by your GMB teams of Officers and Reps and the GMBs National Local Government and Schools Committees. To promote our Local Government Survey, we've produced these posters for your local workplacenoticeboards: This has been a difficult year for workers across local government. Local government workers should be paid for the work we do and trained for the work we do we need a review of job descriptions, career development, and pay for schools support staff; too many are working over and above their pay grades without the acknowledgment or reward. However, in a letter recently received on 18th May, 2020 the LGA Board made up of councillors have informed us they will not be approaching the government for any more resources to award to employees in recognition of their response to the COVID-19 emergency. Wilko bosses should hang their heads in shame. Despite this, we are continuing to push for the agreement from the other unions in the hope that we can still get this paid and March and will update you very shortly with an update. The unions tried hard to raise the level of last year's pay offer. "With 55% of local government workers earning below 25,000 per annum, low pay remains a significant issue and this year's settlement must not only protect workers from steep increases to. GMB senior reps are disappointed that the Local Government employers have only tabled a 1.75% pay offer which is a pay cut in real terms. I understand that the National Joint Council has reached agreement on the Local Government Services pay offer for 2022-23. Pay forecasts for 2021 However, many workers will see their pay leap by 8.7% next month as they will fall within the new age threshold from 1 April. Under the claim, the pay of the lowest paid workers would go above 10 per hour - lifting them above the real living wage of 9.50 per hour (outside London). They have made calls for more funding for local government and for a more stable long-term financial settlement. "Local Government Employers refused to jointly make representation with the unions to the Chancellor on pay, which is frankly disgraceful. c/o UNISON Centre But the commission has. Perhaps you deliver a service across Local Government? However, it is understood most councils have been unable to get the pay award processed before next month's payday, when it will be subject to the new headline 1.25% national insurance rise. This article is more than 1 year old. Application of 1 July 2021 FEMPI Pay Restoration for certain Civil 3. About 5.7 million people are employed in the public sector in the UK. THANKYOU FOR VOTING. March 3, 2021 Pay & Benefits Watch Pay Raise Congress A Democratic senator on Wednesday formally introduced a bill that would provide an average 3.2% pay raise to civilian federal. GMB is campaigning for pay rises to be properly funded. There is strength in numbers, employers can ignore one voice but when we all speak together they have to take notice. We have continued to press for further talks and an improved pay offer. The National Employers have today made the following one-year offer to the unions representing the main local government NJC workforce: With effect from 1 April 2021, an increase of 1.50. Now they are being told by Local Government employers all they deserve is a pay cut. Keeping you up to date and in touch on GMB issues that matter to you. Your local GMB branch/office will be contacting you shortly to discuss the pay offer and let you know how you can vote in this important pay ballot Make sure you have your say on pay. Payments will be slightly affected by the national insurance rise. Find out more about the unions' 130 year history, GMB membership offers plenty of extrabenefits, GMB's structures, rules and all things Congress. A 23 or 24-year-old paid the current full national minimum wage rate of 8.20 an hour will need to be paid at least the NLW rate of 8.91 an hour. The three trade unions in their response rejecting the pay offer of 1.75% from 1 April 2021, asked the National Employers to consider re-opening the negotiations to seek an improvement. You will recall that in February the unions lodged their pay claim for: During March, councils in each of the nine English regions, plus Wales and Northern Ireland, were consulted at virtual regional pay briefings. "That's why the chancellor must free up the funds in the spring statement for an above-inflation rise for all staff. The pay negotiations will also be influenced by shifting government policy. Due to pandemic and restricted access to workplaces: 100+people requested socially distanced workplace meetings. The claim was for a 10% pay increase for local government workers. A reduction of hours to a 35-hour working week (on the same pay); 25 days annual leave plus Bank Holidays; better maternity/paternity/ adoption leave; new working from home policies and new measures to tackle workplace stress and support mental health. Secretary of State Department for Levelling Up, The pandemic has shown us how much the country needs our hard-pressed, public service heroes and how much GMB members care, so passionately, about what they do. SLCC | 2021-22 National Salary Award The delay in getting the pay rise out to employees is being blamed on union procedures. Date: 11/01/2021. Under the NJC constitution, if two unions accepted, the deal could have been signed off and paid before April to ensure you get all the money. Not a GMB member? I am writing to update you on the work we have been doing on your behalf on the local government national pay negotiations for 2021. London, GMB is determined to do something about that. GMB have always known how crucial local government staff are, but the pandemic has raised public awareness of the work our members do. We have to stop them cutting sick pay. Organise a meeting to discuss pay and to build support for the pay rise using our campaign resources. . GMB asked National Joint Council (NJC) national employers across Local Government, Councils and Schools to join with the trade unions and make a joint approach to the Westminster Government, for more funding for Local Government pay. The rate peg is the maximum percentage amount by which a council may increase its general income for the year. In the last GMB update we advised you that we have approached Local Government employers across England, Wales and Northern Ireland setting out our disappointment on the pay offer and asked it to be improved. An. Pay is ultimately an issue for local councils, and it is the responsibility of employers to make an assessment on what is affordable within the overall available resources. Victorian politicians win 2.5% pay rise, union says increase should Local government pay - the National Joint Council (NJC) Defending and improving members' pay is one of UNISON's main tasks. So what's next? Council employees set to lose part of pay rise | Local Government There are no nationally determined jobs or pay grades in local government, unlike in other parts of the public sector.-ENDS-, Local Government Association company number 11177145, Membership and services for councils and councillors, LGA principal advisers and regional teams, Licences, regulations and trading standards, A substantial increase with a minimum of 10% on all spinal column points, Introduction of a homeworking allowance for all staff who are working from home, A national minimum agreement on homeworking policies for all councils, A reduction of the working week to 35 hours with no loss of pay, and a reduction to 34 hours a week in London. After a decade of funding and pay cuts, you and your colleagues across local councils, schools and essential services are fighting the crisis of a generation as key workers protecting the public from Covid-19. At a time of economic crisis for millions of people, with the cost of living spiralling out of control there should be clarity and leadership from Government, and it is disappointing that your department has chosen to ignore such an important issue. 2022 National Pay Negotiations | Local Government Association Councils across England, Wales and Northern Ireland say they need a fair funding settlement from Government to survive. Follow the link below to do this. Become a workplace organiser - step up to be your work colleagues voice in your workplace! The government has announced that the qualified pay freeze in the public sector is over, and although this never applied directly to local government, it was a factor considered by some councils and reflected in recent years consultations. The 2022/23 Local Government & Schools Pay offer is for one year and is as follows: With effect from 1 April 2022, an increase of 1,925 on all NJC pay points 1 and above (FTE). The public deserve better too. Now rising prices have left council and school staff wages well and truly behind. The offer came despite the 2021-2022 public-sector pay freeze set out by chancellor Rishi . By comparison, most council social workers in England are expected to get a 1.75% pay increase for 2021-22, though unions are still in dispute with the National Employers for local government services over their pay offer. It's a woeful pay offer. With effect from 1 April 2021, an increase of 1.50 per cent on all NJC pay points 1 and above, Completion of the outstanding work of the joint Term-Time Only review group, A joint review of the provisions in the Green Book for maternity / paternity / shared parental / adoption leave. Although the costs involved in this are negligible (for example, an employee on 20,000 PA would lose 4.38) we believe that you should get every penny of what a low award is and have been pushing to ensure that you get it. The National Employers is advising councils very strongly against implementing the pay offer before the collective bargaining process has concluded, as it leaves councils vulnerable to questions being asked by auditors as to why expenditure has been unnecessarily incurred in the absence of a national collective agreement. An indicative industrial action ballot has started. Now that many protections have been removed, we know that our members once again will be on the frontline, providing vital services to the public whilst putting themselves at risk. London 22 Stephenson Way London GMB will urge Local Government employers to get back round the table and improve the pay offer or GMB members will have no alternative but to begin preparing for an Industrial Action Campaign for Pay Justice. A trade union has started balloting 370,000 council and school staff for strike action over the 'inadequate' pay offer. Over 100,000 plus GMB members across Local Authorities, Councils, Schools and Academies in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland were included, so it going to take some time to collate all the results and determine next steps. At this meeting a timetable will be agreed for a pay ballot. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, local government and council workers have kept the country going, working above and beyond the call of duty, putting themselves and their families at risk to support the effort against Covid-19. Update your details every GMB member will get their vote make sure your details are up to date. Employers have been encouraged to pay this award to employees as soon as possible. (Approximately 1 million workers plus are covered). As you are aware, GMB members rejected the 1.75% offer although on a turn out significantly below that required to give us any confidence that we could win a ballot for industrial action. Now that many protections will be removed on Monday 19th July, whilst infection rates are rising, we know that our members once again will be on the frontline, providing vital services to the public whilst putting themselves at risk. Ms Cooke spoke of the continuing challenge that we face in ensuring that the [National Joint Council] pay spine is able to absorb the impact of significant annual increases to the national living wage. Thank you very much for your letter of 18 October regarding the letter sent by the National Employers for Local Government Services. We expect a formal response is coming soon so we are gearing up to ensure that all GMB members have a say on their pay. And the response was to accept the pay offer. Email your local councillors asking them to lobby Government for proper funding for Local Government and School. Backpay for On Mileage Allowances, the LGA has agreed to make representation to the HMRC. Its important to stress the LGA Executive Advisory Board - which is made up of elected councillors have decided to override the view of the National Employers hence why it will be really helpful if you could write to your councillor asking why this is the case. (See table 5.) It was barely above inflation a year ago. 1. National Secretary, A Council? Thank you for your letter of 18 October to the former Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Rt Hon Simon Clarke MP, about local government spending. We would like to apologise for the delay in sending this out considering that the ballot closed on 13th December. Government offers civil servants 1.5% pay rise in revised offer Employment Cost Index Summary - 2022 Q04 Results - Bureau of Labor The employers have made an offer of 1.5% for 2021 and have said that it cannot offer more because local authority finances are severely stretched. LocalGov.co.uk - Your authority on UK local government - Pay This equates to 10.50% for SCP1 and no less than 4.04% for SCP43. FAO:ALL GMB MEMBERS WORKING IN LOCAL AUTHORITIES, COUNCILS, SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES ON NJC CONDITIONS. Unions representing hundreds of thousands of local government workers have rejected a 1.5% pay offer, describing it as "insulting" to staff who worked hard to keep vital services running throughout the coronavirus pandemic. GMBs priority is to make sure your workplace is safe so please do get in touch if you are worried about lack of safety measures at work - publicservices@gmb.org.uk, 2.