Across 212 countries and hundreds of millions of users, a 2017 survey found that emojis have been disseminated among texts billions of times. Employees across the company clearly understand the companys mission and strategy. Can you relate? From supply chain disruptions to evolved buyer cycles, COVID-19 didnt just alter the landscape; it redefined it. But with COVID-19 and the economic downturn, CEOs have had to cut costs and reduce spendingand that means many companies have had to slow or freeze hiring. In the 2020 State of Talent Optimization Report, researchers uncovered the positive results businesses achieve when they align their business strategy with a matching talent strategy. In the 2019 CEO Benchmarking Report, the top answer among respondents was Employee performance and productivity. By creating a Learn account, youre agreeing to accept The Predictive Index Terms of Service. While these alone are critical findings, they lead to something even more striking: Ninety-one percent of CEOs indicated they needed help with both business and talent strategies. To stay afloat, 69% of companies restructured their teams since March 2020. Do you have a desire to move the organization forward and constantly solve problems within the company? Moving forward, we plan on allowing remote work: Once considered a perk only progressive companies offered, remote work has become the new normal. Real-time trigger alerts. When asked what their plans are for remote work moving forward, 76% of CEOs said theyll allow remote work on a full-time basis for all or most employees. An overwhelming 97% of companies will allow remote work in some form moving forward. COVID-19 has made it difficult to earn and keep new business. By submitting your information, you agree to be subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The study asked CEOs to answer the following: To what extent has the strategic direction of your company shifted since March 2020? You could adapt well in several positions, whether it be customer service or arts and entertainment. They understand that the future of work has changed forever, and they know they must adapt to remain competitive. Collaborators: These individuals are great team players! A Venturers PI emoji consists of a sail-boat, making its way through the water. Adapter: A versatile individual who can really strive in multiple situations and industries! They listen more than they speak and are diligent, deliberate, and reliable in their work. Teams that overcome the stress and grow closer in spite of it will be all the stronger., Allison Siminovsky, Ph.D. Director of People Science at The Predictive Index. 2021 is a whole new ballgame for your clients and their teams. Its no secret that people are pivotal to business success. Choose the right business structure (formation) for you. Thirty-six percent stated it was of high concern. If you fall under the persistent category type you are typically a confident, analytical, strong-minded individual who approaches challenges with confidence, consistency, and organization. They are extraverted, supportive, encouraging and thrive working in a team setting. Look for the ships wheel when trying to recognize the Captain PI emoji. A Guide to the Predictive Indexs 17 Reference Profiles. Its the age-old question of nature versus nurture rephrased: were you born a CEO or did your environment make you into one? These workers are driven by a need to solve problems, constantly moving the organization forward. There is hope for those who do not have the perfect behavioral profile for a typical CEO. According to the Predictive Index, CEOs often have a common behavioral profile. COVID forced organizations to learn and adapt. For more information, check out our privacy policy. This profile type would excel at data entry, clerical, executive assistant, or customer service. Learn more about talent optimization, and the dream teams it helps build, below. They are fluent conversationalists that ask questions and listen intensely to everything you have to say. When COVID set in, CEOs and their teams had to move quickly to adapt, stabilize, and survive. The answer is: not necessarily. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. I would like to receive marketing emails from The Predictive Index. 1 CEO challenge. Find out how you can help them build dream teams that get along and get the job done in the year to come. The next category is the social category. More than ever, senior leaders need a talent strategy that puts complex business needs in clear people terms. The CAPTAIN Profile | 17 Reference Profiles | Predictive Index - YouTube Red Wolf Group founder and CEO, Alicia Lykos, tells you all you need to know about each Predictive Index. Management consultants often focus on the operational side of strategy, helping clients improve efficiencies, cut costs, and maximize profits. When asked what their plans are for remote work moving forward, 76% of CEOs said theyll allow remote work on a full-time basis for all or most employees. An overwhelming 97% of companies will allow remote work in some form moving forward. Ninety-seven percent plan to allow remote work beyond the pandemic. More than half of the respondents selected Working well remotely. Doing so will free up clients time and pay dividends for their business. To identify an Analyzer using PI emojis, look out for the magnifying glass. Director or VP of Marketing, Strategic planning & growth could also be areas to consider &/or digital marketing roles. This guide exists to provide a brief run-down of what each emoji means. You are also self-disciplined and a go-to person who does not leave room for error. Join our global network of 400+ PI Certified Partners, and add the leading talent optimization platform to your consulting toolbox. Send us your details and book a 15-min call to discuss your goals. If you fall under the persistent category type you are typically a confident, analytical, strong-minded individual who approaches challenges with confidence, consistency, and organization. Whitby (Toronto), ON L1N 4P8 Senior leaders must communicate clearly and regularly with the talent responsible for executing strategy. Months into the pandemic, you may have adapted to some of these changes. Through this revealing process, CEOs and their teams will discover their natural superpowers, as well as any caution areas. And the difference was even starker among CEOs who strongly agreed with the statement: Only 41% strongly agreed, down 17% from March. Annual CEO Benchmarking Report 2021 Consultants - The Predictive Index ANNUAL CEO Benchmarking Report 2021 160 CEOs reveal their top concerns and priorities in a post-COVID remote world. Proven framework for aligning business strategy and people strategy for business results. 442 views 7 months ago The 17 Predictive Index Reference Profiles Red Wolf Group founder and CEO, Alicia Lykos, tells you all you need to know about each Predictive Index reference. So the answer is that our DNA can play a large role in our propensity for being a successful CEO. Thats a 4% decline since Marchand an indication theres growing confusion among employees about the mission at hand. Researchers asked CEOs to answer the following: Which of the following best describes the culture of your current executive team? Instead, CEOs should invest in a talent optimization consultant whos trained to interpret people dataand build dream teams that get the work done. Only two profile types fall into this category: an individualist and a scholar. A whopping 79% of CEOs indicated theyve used consulting software for help with business strategy, talent strategy, or both. Each PI consultant is certified in The Predictive Index platform and is equipped with science-backed recommendations to help senior leaders and critical teams build cohesion and reduce conflict. Researchers asked CEOs to what extent theyve needed external help with their business and talent strategies in the past six months. All Rights Reserved. CEOs have had to navigate entirely new business circumstances due to the pandemic. Companies may be committed to remote work, but that doesnt mean the shift has been easy. As municipalities struggle to rein in the virus, CEOs are stressing over their employees and customers. The research sample was restricted to 160 chief executive officers, presidents, and chairpeople at U.S. companies with 25-1,000 employees. Expect these workers to present unconventional ideas with characteristically strong conviction. A person who has high aspirations and takes risks! These people are driven by a need for mastery in their areas of specialization. Predictive Index Profiles allow us to quickly understand someone's strengths and potential blind spots. This is where the Predictive Index comes in. Were committed to your privacy. Researchers also wanted to better understand how remote work has impacted the effectiveness of executive teams. You like to contribute a strategic, data-driven approach to building winning teams. Hows senior leadership holding up? Researchers asked CEOs to answer twice: once for how theyre feeling now (September 2020) and again for how they felt back in March 2020. Because we wanted to explore the practices of people who directly set and influence business and talent strategies, we partnered with Qualtrics, an organization that specializes in surveying executive audiences. Maybe you have been thinking of starting your own business? Learn more about talent optimization, and the dream teams it helps build, below. Which of the following options would you be most likely to select when you need help with business strategy or talent strategy in the future? As remote work disrupts the way teams work, its also eroding the confidence CEOs have in their teams to get that work done. The Scholar PI emoji can be recognized by an open book. Thats talent optimization: a powerful discipline that helps leaders put people in the right places, at the right times, for the right business needs. Then, they asked a series of questions related to team performance. With 2020 nearly in the rearview mirror, CEOs are focusing on whats ahead. Mavericks: A person who has high aspirations and takes risks! To what extent has the strategic direction of your company shifted since March 2020? Many others were forced into remote work. While these alone are critical findings, they lead to something even more striking: Ninety-one percent of CEOs indicated they needed help with both business and talent strategies. I would like to receive marketing emails from The Predictive Index. A few industries to consider Project Management, logistics, finance, accounting & managerial positions. Select all that apply. And entire industries are preparing for a future where remote work isnt a stopgap but a permanent reality. Researchers asked them the following: As of September 2020, in which areas could you benefit from a consultant to help with talent strategy? Buffalo, NY 14222 As a leader, you have many important areas of focus. Through the Predictive Success team of experienced, professional consulting staff, we give Canadian companies the edge to connect people to prot. There are another 6 different profiles that fall under this category: Altruist, Captain, Collaborator, Maverick, Promoter and Persuader. The second-most popular response was Finding the right talent (25%). Anyway, it is important to take CEO DNA with a grain of salt, because, even if you have it, there is no guarantee you can succeed in just any scenario. It relies on objective people data, such as cognitive ability and behavioral fit. All of the best leaders, so-called CEO DNA or not, are in tune with their strengths and weaknesses and know when to let others lead. Other executives include Mike Zani, Chief Executive Officer; Jackie Dube, Chief People Officer and 14 others. If you answered Yes to these questions, you more than likely may fall into this category. Researchers asked CEOs that have experienced team conflict to describe what it most often relates to. Good surveys begin with identifying the population of interest. In the 2019 CEO Benchmarking Report, the top answer among respondents was Employee performance and productivity. Scholar: Someone who is a natural go-getter! And CEOs recognize that power, too. Add the leading talent optimization platform to your consulting toolbox. A business manager role would also be a great option to consider if you are a specialist. Do you agree with the following statement? Ceo. Thousands of leaders use Predictive Success, a leader in Talent Optimization, to create teams that win and execute on strategy. Researchers asked CEOs how confident they are in their executive teams ability to deliver on short- and long-term strategic goals. The roles to consider for this profile type are extremely broad. They are reliable and relaxed individuals who are informal in their work, but rarely drop the ball. The Predictive Index reference profiles are workplace personality types that are based on the results of the PI behavioural assessment. You like to contribute a strategic, data-driven approach to building winning teams. The Predictive Index, 2023. And based on these findings, CEOs are showing an interest in these tools, too. Positions to consider if you fall into one of these categories are: Altruists: A supportive, helpful, team player that is extraverted. Do I need to give up on that dream? According to the Predictive Index, our DNA, environments, and personal and professional experiences influence our final behavioral hardwiring by our mid 20s. Their answers provide a window into the minds of executive leaders during one of the most trying times in recent history. Theyll also learn how these strengths and weaknesses map back to the business strategy. The study had CEOs elaborate on how they might leverage outside help moving forward. Respondents were presented with the following statement and asked to respond via a 5-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5= strongly agree): Employees across the company clearly understand the companys mission and strategy. In September 2020, The Predictive Index surveyed 160 CEOs about their top priorities and concerns. Director or VP of. Researchers provided CEOs the following statement and asked them to respond via a 5-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5= strongly agree): I mediate interpersonal conflict among team members at least once a month. An Individualists PI emoji consists of a wise owl, quietly staring off into the night. People who fall into this profile type tend to be naturally introverted and reserved but always prepared with a plan. These individuals are independent and strong-willed, willing to accept any challenge and constantly raising the bar for their organizations. Only two profile types fall into this category: an. A Mavericks PI emoji consists of a supersonic aircraft, shooting its way through the air. These workers exceed in environments that push established boundaries. This worry comes amid the brand-new challenge of COVID-19. Take the opportunity to address these people issues and try to broker lasting solutions. What percentage of your companys employees have been laid off or furloughed since March 2020? Administration, logistics, computer technology or clerical work could be great industries to look at. This profiles PI emoji is characterized by spinning gears. But just because the crisis has eased, that doesnt mean the hard work stops. An extremely reliable person who will get the job done, someone who will read the fine print in any situation. Partner with someone who excels at maintaining. By adopting a discipline like talent optimization, you can build off a proven framework, customizing your recommendations based on the needs of your clients. They usually follow-up strongly on task delegations. For example, one executive team may discover its a Cultivating Team. The traits are: dominance (A), extraversion (B), patience (C), and formality (D) . Through an initial 1:1 strategy session, a PI consultant helps CEOs uncover their unique Team Type. Among the different tests and resources we use, the Predictive Index is one of our favorites. Executive strategy and the work to be done, Building dream teams with talent optimization, The coronavirus has put an unprecedented strain on executives and their people. Consultants who can thread this needle and solve critical team issues will have a huge competitive advantage compared to those who cant. . Stay on top of your Business Credit File . Researchers provided CEOs the following statement and asked them to respond via a 5-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5= strongly agree): I mediate interpersonal conflict among team members at least once a month. Characteristically, the Persuader PI emoji boasts a shining microphone as its symbol. By submitting my information, I agree to be subject to PI's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. As a certified partner of PI, Wipfli can help you use this behavior assessment tool to design great teams and lead them through anything . Only 79% of CEOs agreed with the statement, down 4% from March. That sentiment skyrocketed in 202056% of CEOs now say employee performance is a top concern. These outspoken workers know how to work a room and motivate a team. Jobs that fit this profile type include; different sales or account management positions that have quotas to be met or possibly staffing and recruiting positions. A strong CEO at one company can move to another and not fit well at all. Success Centre Mavericks also tend to be leaders which make them good entrepreneurs. These team cohesion issues arent just prevalent; for many CEOs, theyre exhausting. The topics were selected based on a set of research questions identified by subject matter experts as being relevant to emerging trends in executive leadership and strategic planning since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. Are you deliberate, cooperative, reliable, and easily adaptable to situations? These workers approach tasks with an open mind and are unafraid to consult multiple opinions before making a decision. As of September, 78% of CEOs believed their executive team had strong cohesion. Of the organizations that restructured, 28% let go at least one-fourth of the company. What percentage of your companys employees have been laid off or furloughed since March 2020? This report was developed with scientific rigor. And that means building a talent strategy that prepares employees for the work ahead. The Predictive Index uses the information you provide to contact you about relevant content, products, and services. The findings in this report will open your eyes to the unique challenges CEOs are facing in a COVID world. At The Predictive Index, we develop the systems and methodologies for talent optimization, and we bring that discipline to you through a platform Managing Director, Co-Founder Phoenix Strategy. Look into accounting, auditing, banking, tax consultant or analyst type of positions if you are an analyzer. Confident, analytical, and persistent, Individualists are strong-minded people who approach challenges with confidence. The Predictive Index, 2023. Head Office More than ever, CEOs are looking to retain the customers they have while also getting the most out of the people they have. While COVID-19 has radically altered life at home, its also forced companies to make tough decisions about their workforce and teams. At a time when engagements are virtual, having the right consulting software isnt just importantits essential. With talent optimization, the path to designing those dream teams is clearer than ever., Daniel Muzquiz, President at The Predictive Index. While achieving them requires a strong business strategy, executives cant afford to neglect talent strategy. Valuable research and technology reports. So when trying to solve these problems, its critical to take a people-first approach. With this free 6-minute sample assessment, you can experience what our flagship Behavioral Assessment can uncover about you, your team, and how you can work better . Thats a 10% decrease from March 2020. Last year, finding the right talent was the No. Within the stabilizing category, there are four different profile types: adapter, artisan, guardian, and operator. As of September, 83% of CEOs said their employees are clear on the strategy. The findings in this report will open your eyes to the unique challenges executives are facing in a post-COVID world.