The Midianites were, according to modern scholarship, a loose confederation of tribes that lived southeast of Israel on the eastern side of the Gulf of Aqaba. [6] The term usually translated as oxgoad is a biblical hapax legomenon,[3] the translation into English being made on the basis of the Septuagint's translation into Greek. 6. The Early Period begins with the first oppression and first judge (Othniel) and continues through to the brief reign of Gideons son Abimilech, covering Judges 3:7 through the end of Chapter 8. Judges of Israel / SAMGARHola! your ways. Lewis said in The Weight of Glory,There are no ordinary people. First, a 40-year period of oppression under the Philistines begins (Judges 13:1). While the specifics of the period of the judges are fuzzy, scripture does provide clear and easily datable boundaries for this period. and this cycle of idolatry - bondage - deliverance repeated itself for 450 It touched my heart. (Deborah came alongside Barak and 10,000 men of Israel.) 31). Now these are the nations that the Lord left, to test Israel by them, that is, all in Israel who had not experienced all the wars in Canaan. With 10,000 onlookers packing the temple, he mustered his last ounce of strength, collapsed the pillars and literally brought down the house, bringing many of Israels enemies to their deaths along with him. Note that this solution also gives Samuel a total of 30 years but as 20 alone plus ten overlapping with Saul as opposed to 12 and 18. The act of this Shamgar is similar to that of Shammah, son of Agee, mentioned in the appendix of the Books of Samuel as being one of The Three, a distinct group of warriors associated with King David. Option 2 gives us the timeline shown in Figure 4, and we can now move on to the early period. This took place in the first year of Deborahs reign. The stories of Micahs idol and the Levites concubine and subsequent war with Benjamin dont impact the overall chronology, but we will try to place them once we have a chronological framework in place. Jerub-Baal in Hebrew means: let baal contend. Have you ever felt overlooked? Perhaps we can verify this number or at least understand where it comes from. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. 3. The death of Joshua brought about an entirely new situation in Jewish history and Jewish life. Meanwhile, Nolen Jones, recognizing the hard date provided by Jephthah has a different arrangement for Jephthah and the three judges that follow him while agreeing with Ussher on Samson and nearly so on Eli. years through fifteen judges, who varied in their faithfulness to God. JUDGE SHAMGAR BY A. But when those judges died, Israel returned to worshiping idols, As he grew up, the spirit of God beat within him (Judges 13:25). Shamgar killed 600 Philistines with an oxgoad, which is basically an ancient cattle prod. Their triumphs, losses, errors, and choices cause us to learn more about who we are at the core, and more about God and His infinite mercy and grace. The story line is generally, the judge dies, the people revert to idolatry, and then a new oppression begins meaning that the reign length for the judge is somewhat less than the time to the next oppression. The limited amount of information available for this period makes the creation of a single, uncontested timeline impossible. Who was the 7th judge in the Bible? However, we still have some missing pieces. However, there is a problem: the total of the years given in Judges is both too large and too small when considered against the whole of scripture. "But because of the course you are taking, the honor will not be yours, for the LORD will deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman.". The first two years his mother nursed him. After Deborah, eight different Judges ruled Israel over approximately the next 120 years. For the next 40 years the Jewish people knew real peace. But 300 is a round number, and as such may not be precise. Shamgar was the son of Anath and from the tribe of Benjamite. 2So it was that the ark remained in Kirjath Jearim a long time, it was there twenty years. As chosen ones of God, He sometimes gives us abilities beyond our natural talents in service to Him (Exodus 31: 3-5). Also of note, and key to constructing a proper chronology, is that in the Late Period the time allotted to each judge changes from being a spacer between oppressions and likely overlaps those oppressions. 12. They destroyed Siseras army, powerful new metal chariots and all. (8 years)(Judg 12:13-15) 4. This means that each 40-year period is reduced to 35.6 years. Employing this new technology, he innovated a method of mechanized warfare using chariots that no one could match. how many years did shamgar judge israel. out, and was punished by God, who put Israel in bondage to invaders. Figure 2: Dates from I Samuel and Josephus. Welcome back to THE JUDGES series folks. The information on him is sparse but God felt him worth including. So here goes. Another occasion where Shamgar was mentioned was in the Song of Deborah. As he is mentioned before the start of the oppression under Jabin and then by Deborah at the end of that oppression, I believe that he reigned in parallel with that oppression and overlapped into Deborahs reign. 4a. Samuel judged Israel, &c. For though Saul was king in Samuel's last days, yet Samuel did not cease to be a judge, being so made by God's extraordinary call, which Saul could not destroy; and therefore Samuel did sometimes, upon great occasions, though not ordinarily, exercise the office of judge after the beginning of Saul's reign; and the years of the rule of Saul and . Option 1 is also inconsistent with the overlap between judges and oppressions that I believe applies to the late period. Each of them acted in selfish and disobedient ways, yet it was their faith for which they are commended. If we interpret these 40-year intervals as structural and representing a generation (as opposed to being exact numbers), then we can adjust them downward. Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel Shamgar's name only comes up twice in the book of Judges: in this verse, and in 5:6. . Figure 8: The Judges in the Orthodox Chronology. We do not know much about her husband, whose name was Lapidus. Shamgar was full of God's Anointing. Add 40 years for the time in the wilderness, 40 years for David, and 4 for Solomon and the total is 534 54 years greater than the total given in I Kings. The situation was turned around by a great person who happened to be a woman: Deborah. Rohl and others have subsequently proposed an alternative chronology going all the way back to the time of the flood. Although they had the Tabernacle (which centuries later would be replaced by the Temple in Jerusalem), there was competition from private altars (bamos in Hebrew). This solution achieves the necessary compression. 15. This means that the 40-years of oppression under the Philistines, as recorded in Judges, ends at the same time as the Judges narrative. The next oppressor, for 20 years, is Jabin King of Canaan whose capital was Hazor. We do not respect them for their follies, we respect them for their faith. Moreover, this man handled saving Israel at one point in his life. [9] Nolen Jones, Dr. Floyd, The Chronology of the Old Testament, Green Forest, Arkansas, Master Books, 2017, pp71-94. Besides lacking central temporal authority (i.e. Othniel (Caleb's nephew), Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah (the lone woman), Gideon, Thus, we are not given the name of a single Midianite king responsible for this next seven-year oppression. The other judges are viewed in greater detail in the Book of Judges: Othniel 3:7-11 a nephew of Caleb, delivered Israel from the Mesopotamians. Laish is in northern Israel and was not part of the original territory allocated to Dan by Joshua. Abimelech, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, Samson, Eli and Samuel. In this timeline, the correspondence between the Pharaoh and his Canaanite vassals regarding the troubles being created by Labaya and the Habiru fit very well with what we know from I Samuel, including Sauls ultimate defeat and the rise of Ishbosheth and David. But from this time forward, Canaan is back in the Egyptian sphere of influence. On the day of a great feast the Philistines took him out of prison and tied him to two great stone pillars in their temple, planning to make a public spectacle of him. Verse 31 shows that he was on the scene during, or just after, Ehudduring or just after an 80-year period of peace for Israel from the Moabites in the east (verse 30). Click here to find out more about this unique and fun Bible study tool! To those proponents of a later exodus in the reign of Ramses II I would suggest that the book of Judges cannot be reconciled with a later date as can be deduced from the discussion to follow. It is this second campaign in his 7th year that aligns with the beginning of the next, 40-year oppression by the Philistines. Othniel Second, neither Judges or I Samuel provides a duration for the judgeship of Samuel or the reign of Saul. how many years did shamgar judge israel. GIDEON in Hebrew means: Feeler, Hewer, also known as Jerub-Baal. The New Chronology is perhaps best known from the film Patterns of Evidence: Exodus where its alignment between archaeology and history was highlighted. 11), which took place about 180 years before the battle recorded in Judges 4. Descent via Ithamar younger of Aarons 2 surviving sons Samuel took over from Eli. (40 years)(Judg 4:4-5:31) (40 years)(Judg 3:9-11) When Deborah/Barak IBZAN of Bethlehem in Hebrew means: splendid Tribe of Zebulun, ruled for 7 years 1081BC-1073BC Judges 12:8-10 30 sons 30 daughters. how many years did shamgar judge israel. However, the length of the peace that follows is always 40 years or, in Ehuds case, twice 40 = 80 years. [2] This 450 years matches the number that Paul gives in his speech at Pisidian Antioch in Acts 13:20. An interesting insight into the early period is that the dates are built around the beginnings and ends of the oppressions, and the event that accomplished the delivery from that oppression. For a more scholarly discussion see Newgrosh, Bernard, Rohl, David M., and Van der Veen, Peter G., The el-Amarna Letters and Israelite History, Journal of the Ancient Chronology Forum (JACF), Vol 6, 1993.,, Joshua 14:10. Finally, we learn that Samson judges Israel for 20 years (Judges 16:31). The first oppression of eight years is under Cushan-Rishathaim. Figure 7: Ussher / Nolen Jones chronology for the period of the Judges. Shamgar in Hebrew means: cupbearer, fleer. Also, if the Berlin Pedestal can be dated as early as Thutmose III, then this mention of Israel would predate even Moses, much less the arrival in Canaan.
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